My new guitar isntrumental album is out now! "Mother Earth"


Dec 9, 2005
Hello to all my friends!
After a long two years, I have finally finished and released my new all Guitar Instrumental Progressive Rock Album called "Mother Earth".


The idea for the album and the songs came from the problems with global
warming and the planet being destroyed by ourselves
I have no intention to preach Green Peace ideas, but I do not deny that I
am passionate about these problems. I decided to connect my art with this theme which
has to be the most important in the public space.. (I dream it). That
is how the name of the album was born.

The album is entirely composed, recorded and mixed by me.
It contains 11 songs again that are arranged thematically.

Described with several words, this is the well-known style of my music. Guitar Instrumentals with Progressive Rock touches!
I have always given meaning to the details in music, not just achieving my goals through technical matters.

You can download some of my guitar chains-patches in my web site - the sound patches section. Also Very soon I will provide backing tracks to play with.

You can purchase the CD from my web site through Pay Pal. After a few weeks it will be available in CD Baby and Itunes

Samples at my web site There are also two full songs.

I hope you will like the music made by me!

With much respect,
Congratulations Dimi! I hope it sells well. This is just packed with fantastic songs that never get boring to listen to. There's also some very emotional moments where it's easily heard that you are pouring out your soul through your guitar. Very nice job Dimi. I'll be buying the "official" version very soon to replace the mp3's you gave me. ;)

Edit: Dimi, your second song link is broken.
Congratulations Dimi! I hope it sells well. This is just packed with fantastic songs that never get boring to listen to. There's also some very emotional moments where it's easily heard that you are pouring out your soul through your guitar. Very nice job Dimi. I'll be buying the "official" version very soon to replace the mp3's you gave me. ;)

Edit: Dimi, your second song link is broken.

Thank you Mark:worship:notworthy
When I get some cash I am all over this! I've loved "Keep Mother Earth Alive" for months now, such great melodies!
Congratulations! I hope you get what you deserve my friend.. im very impressed by anything you have put out.
symphonicmind and Black neon bob Thanks for sopping by and listening to my music!!!
Thanks for the wishes and I wish you success with your music too!
Damn, absolutely beautiful Dimi, so expressive and moving, I love it! Also, I wanted to ask, what bridge is that on your Ibanez?
AH, so it's an original, I was wondering why the saddle screws extended under the fine tuners. How come you went for that over an Edge Pro?
It is the best Ibanez tremolo for me :)
I own Edge Pro too on my RG2550E but I prefer the EDGE.:headbang:

Dimi, congrats on the album. The stuff I have heard os purely amazing and I'm always blown away by your work.

Just out of curiosity, what do you think of the Ibanez ZR tremolo?
Excellent work bro! Loving it all.

I've got a ZR tremolo in my Ibanez, I've personally really liked it. Better than other systems I've played.
Dimi, congrats on the album. The stuff I have heard os purely amazing and I'm always blown away by your work.

Just out of curiosity, what do you think of the Ibanez ZR tremolo?

Thank you!!! I'm fan of your music and sound too :worship::worship:

ZR tremolo is really nice system and it is very advanced.
I think the only hard to make trick is the flutter effect.
