My new song!

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
I was bored the other night and I decided to record a song.

It's a totally acoustic instrumental, and was totally improvised on the spot, with nothing pre-planned at all. There are a number of guitarlayers, but each was improvised, and each is the first take.

If you are interested, I'd apprectiacte some comments or criticism, and hope you like it!

Here's the link, copy and paste in your browser:

Comments and criticism are appreciated, and I hope you enjoy the tune!
I only get this:
This file is hosted by Tripod, a Lycos®Network Site, and is not available for download. Please check out Tripod's Help system for more information about Remote Loading and our Remote Loading policy.
Thanks a lot guys, i appreciate the fact that you tried to listen to it at least! I've had so many problems this last week trying to host this, I am ready to freak out!

My new song can NOW be found at:

If you have problems, go to


Very sorry about all the hassle and flooding the page....It is done and over with! And will be on whenever they decide to verify it.

Thanks \m/:mad: \m/
really nice song :)
though at 1min40secs the guitars seems to crash and sounds rather scattered to me and it goes on for a while.. i guess it's supposed to be like that but it sort of breaks the calm of the track :confused:

anyway, minor glitches :cool:
Thanks for the comments! I will have to listen to that specific version on that server for the problem you mentioned....maybe I uploaded the wrong version!:eek: Hope not.....but there may have been an encoding problem or something.

I have no Idea why you would get kicked off the server! That's odd. you can try here instead: