My new tune!

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
I was bored tonight and I decided to record a song.

It's an mostly acoustic instrumental, and was totally improvised on the spot, with nothing pre-planned at all. There are a number of guitarlayers, but each was inmprovised, and each is the first take.

If you are interested, I'd apprectiacte some comments or criticism, and hope you like it!

Go here:

Pass= ultimatemetal

Once logged in, go to "Other Users" and type in tillfjalls. There you can get the mp3! Sorry about the hassle, if this doesn't work, I give up all hope on this subject....

By the way, I created this a s a general opeth forum storage space, so we can all post our own songs and pics there if anyone wants to.

Enjoy the song!
Just curious... I've seen a few people put .mp3's on GeoCities and renaming them to .zip... Does GeoCities not allow .mp3's on there servers now? (That's my assumption) If that's the case, why not just .zip the .mp3? Less confusing that way... Just wondering...

BTW, checking the song out now... I'll be back to give my review... heh heh
Ok, a final attempt at the damn website hosting! It should be working now. If anyone want s to get it from my web storage, I can give you access to that as well. Thanks!
Yep got it to work, and it downloaded really slowly and eventually i had 96% downloaded when my browser decided to crash.

So ive heard 96% of it!

and its pretty cool for an improvised piece, there are moments here and there were wrong notes and few bits of bad timing kinda detract from the final product, and it can be hard to sort of understand at times because it just sounds like 3 guitars playing completely different things. And sometimes some of the weird chords dont quite work (the idea is right, but it can be hard to implement them on the spot). But for the most part its nice, its actually well structured for an improvised piece. The last half is very cool, it gets a lot better around the 5:15 minute mark when the distorted guitars come in creating this cool atmosphere and theres a couple of really awesome riffs, its a really really great section, i love it this is my favorite part of the song, just before the first distorted guitar comes in. And the song finishes off with a very cool moody atmosphere changing between really weird disonant notes and then little bits of nice in key stuff in between, it works really well, no idea if it was intentional!

Its a good little piece, if you went back and transcribed your own improvisations and fixed up the little problems and made minor changes to some things youd end up with a really awesome song.

and in my version it ends the same way serenity painted death does! hehe