This is the end I promise....

No problem dude.

There's so much bullshit in here, that a little music promotion wouldn't hurt.

Are you trying to get signed, or are you looking for some recognition and feedback?
:: Standing Ovation ::

I can't believe it! I'm actually downloading it!
Hahaha, just messin' with ya. Well, I've got a dial-up...and we're lookin' at about 30/40 minutes at this rate, so... you'll have my full report in the morning. :grin:
Sweet! You guys and girls rock, if it was anyone else, they'd probably be pissed by now!! haha..

No, not looking to get signed, i've got actual bands to worry about at the moment, particularly North. However, Wars of Winter is kind of inactive at the moment, but not disbanded. It's more of a project I think, an outlet for more progressive, experimental musical ideas.

This song however is more of a release of emotions through stream of consciousness, rather than a structured song. So it'sa more of a personal thing, to let out musical ideas that just happen randomly. I'd probably never be able to play the song again if I tried (at least some of it), so I doubt it has label potential anyway.....

Turn off the lights, and focus on the melodies, you can hear a lot of different things and interactions if you pay close attention.
I did eventually download this song and put my comments in the original thread. So here it is if you missed it:

Yep got it to work, and it downloaded really slowly and eventually i had 96% downloaded when my browser decided to crash.

So ive heard 96% of it!

and its pretty cool for an improvised piece, there are moments here and there were wrong notes and few bits of bad timing kinda detract from the final product, and it can be hard to sort of understand at times because it just sounds like 3 guitars playing completely different things. And sometimes some of the weird chords dont quite work (the idea is right, but it can be hard to implement them on the spot). But for the most part its nice, its actually well structured for an improvised piece. The last half is very cool, it gets a lot better around the 5:15 minute mark when the distorted guitars come in creating this cool atmosphere and theres a couple of really awesome riffs, its a really really great section, i love it this is my favorite part of the song, just before the first distorted guitar comes in. And the song finishes off with a very cool moody atmosphere changing between really weird disonant notes and then little bits of nice in key stuff in between, it works really well, no idea if it was intentional!

Its a good little piece, if you went back and transcribed your own improvisations and fixed up the little problems and made minor changes to some things youd end up with a really awesome song.

and in my version it ends the same way serenity painted death does! hehe

And since then i did some noise removal, a bit of normalisation, and a fade out at the end so that it didnt cut out all of a sudden, and yeh, its damn fine. I still think itd be better if the first 5 minutes was cut down to 3 mintues or something but thats just my taste, and in an improvised piece its not much of a complaint!
You must have heaps of songs out by now, because it always seems like you've got a new song out.

Are any record companies interested in your songs??
Damn, that's wicked...soothing.
The title fits well.

Nice work! I like how long it is. Someone said to me that its a song that you can listen to and what seems like 2 minutes later, is really the whole thing. Well, that is SO true. Again, I think that's some great acoustic work. Rock on! ;)
4:10- I love the lone melody here, extremely beautiful.

5:25- With the fuzzy sound it has a very lonely atmosphere, EXTREMELY emotional, reminescent of Katatonia, but better in my opinion. :D

Some of the quick key changes where you play really dissonant melodies are kind of annoying, but this is amazing for improv. Did you sit down and plan any of this out at all, or did you just sit down with some friends and play?

This is beautiful, when you write threads about how music is dying look right under your nose at what your creating...