I stole this idea, sort of...

I downloaded it, But I'm still not following everything.....what is programmed and what is not? But its not bad by the way.:)
The drums, bass and keyboards are all created in a piece of software called Reason. It's a virtual studio package. There are two tracks of rhythm guitars added, and those are real guitars that I recorded. They're not played too tightly, but for the purposes of this, I think they're fine.
What will you record onto it? I assumed it'd be more suited to a lead guitar part, but some people are talking about adding vocals to it.

Once everyone has recorded their version of something onto it, email it to me (I think I'll need to pm my "proper" email address to you) and I'll upload it to my mp3.com page with your credits attached to it. Then everyone can listen to it, and we can judge which one we think is the best :)

Like I said, I'm happy to begin working on another more metal backing track. I'd already made this one when the idea struck me, so it was never intended for you 'monsters of metal!!' ;)