Sort of remakes


Apr 18, 2004
Coral Springs, FL
I'm sure we've all heard songs that sounded so similar to another song that you almost wonder if it's intentional or unintentional. When you hear a cover, you know it's a cover because in the liner notes it cites the original songwriter and the lyrics and melody are usually the same, with just the arrangement being rewritten.

But I'm listening to Voodoo Circle's "We'll Never Learn", which is essentially a remake of Yngwie Malmsteen's "Crystal Ball". Starts off with an intro solo of about a minute backed by keyboards playing nearly the same key. Then the opening riff, which is only slightly off the original. Vocal lyrics and melody are a completely different song, although the chorus sounds suspciously like the one for "Crystal Ball". Then the solo, which has the same backing arrangement and a similar solo.

Is this kind of thing an intentional tribute of sorts, or did Beyrodt just write another version of "Crystal Ball" unintentionally? How many other songs like this do you guys know of? I know that on Felony's debut album they suddenly break out into the solo from Europe's "Superstitious", but since that was note for note, I have to think they meant to do that.
Not that it would come to this in reality, but in court Beyrodt would claim it's an unitentional coincidence, and Malmsteen would cite artistic infringement.