Whoa... thanks, man! I appreciate the compliment! One of the best to date, I think

Glad yer diggin my stuff. I'll hopefully have lots more before too long.
As far as how I record... to plagiarize my web site a bit:
The drums and keyboard stuff I write using a Roland XP-30 sequenced though Cakewalk's SONAR 3 on my PC. The audio tracks go into SONAR after passing through a POD 2.0, a Studio Twin effects unit, and/or a couple old Boss pedals (nowadays though, with the exception of the POD, most of the effects I use are SONAR plugins). Everything is mixed down in SONAR, and then brought into Soundforge for some final tweaking and converting to mp3.
My computer has a Soundblaster Augidy ZS Platinum audio card, which has MIDI in/out, three analog inputs and digital in/out (plus some other crap). The guitar stuff, going through the POD, connects to the computer through the Aux-in2, and the keyboard stuff connects through the digital-in via a TASCAM 16 track digitial mixer. This setup keeps the guitar separate from everything else, making recording pretty easy. All I do is set the "recording" input in Windows (XP) to Aux-in2, and then record all the guitar stuff I want (and vocals the same way on the Line-in2 input). Then, once I'm ready to create the master wave file, I just create a master track in SONAR, and set Windows to record "What you hear"... and it records everything together onto one track. From there, I can splice/edit/tweak as necessary, and export the track in any format I want. It's really a nice setup... extremely easy and quite versatile.
I'm currently working on some "official"
A Different Sun music... whole songs with vocals and stuff, with my sights set on having a complete CD done before this year is up. Remastered versions of "Seismonic..." and "Release..." will both be on that CD, with those two probably being the only instrumentals. Those two songs are more "artistic variation" type pieces. ADS's music, in general, is like... ummm... well... I dunno. It's like... epic symphonic blackgothdeathcheesemetal. Or something similar