Katatonia-Passing Bird Cover anyone?

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
I've had this lying around since the Katatonia mp3.com cover song contest, but due to email problems/internet issues, I never ever got it to the competition. I figured I'd post it and see what you guys think. For lack of better description, i guess It's a little more "metalized".

I should probably post this in the Katationa forum, but hell, this is the only forum I really post in anyway...So there!


Criticize to the heart's content, I won't take offense unless you want me to:)



Originally posted by dirge
i thought i was kinda cool, i like katatonia's version better but yours was pretty cool.

You'd be mad if you thought otherwise! That song is amazing, I just wanted to try it with a different twist. I definitely couldn't do the vocals justice, since Jonas' voice is pretty unique, so I kinda mixed it up a bit.

Plus the mix is not what I wanted, and I no longer have the files to remix:cry: Oh well...it is set in stone....Thanks for checking it out!
Originally posted by Till Fjalls

You'd be mad if you thought otherwise! That song is amazing, I just wanted to try it with a different twist. I definitely couldn't do the vocals justice, since Jonas' voice is pretty unique, so I kinda mixed it up a bit.

Plus the mix is not what I wanted, and I no longer have the files to remix:cry: Oh well...it is set in stone....Thanks for checking it out!

haha yeah i suppose i would be :lol:

it still definately was a good cover, and its quite interesting to see how much more of an opeth feel the cover has... kinda like how it could of been if it was an opeth song.
Well I finally remembered to listen...sorry.
It is very odd, sometimes I can't even recognize it, which is a good thing, a whole new dimension to a spectacular song. Your clean vocals are very odd, and first I didn't like them, but they fit very well. It is weird, cause they sound kind of odd, but they wouldnt sound good any other, its odd that you find a mix like that; you can either take that as a compliment or not, heh.
Job well done, did you play everything and program it all? I can't hear any bass...
I've thought about doing some covers as well, I actually started arranging a jazz version of Credence which I thought would be realllly cool.