my old band mixdown

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
some of you may remember the horrific recordings done in a barn in co kildare, ireland i posted a few months back - well i got a little bored today so i tried to make something of them myself -

not being a sound engineer go easy on me please!

the mixdown contains the drums,bass and scream vox's

tell me what you think about the tone of the vox, bass and kit? and what i could do to improve it.

bare in mind some vox shit is slightly out of time, messy and noisy, i need to gate the vox (fucking retarded engineer - spill from the headphones) and fix the timing a little and do a little cut & paste shit! etc

anywho - heres the link dudes & dudettes!
yea well i have to chop the click and other noise out at the start, i still have more shit to layer into the mix - what do you mean untight? the player or the overall sound?

like i said it was recorded by a sponge brained engineer in a barn in ireland - the amount of spill on all the mics is insane