My old band

Do you think you could take an individual song and put it on soundclick (or better yet, a direct link for download, check out for awesome free hosting) - I'd gladly listen that way, but I never like having to arbitrarily pick a song (with myspace quality, no less)
Sorry dude, forgot about this thread! Just gonna go stream-of-consciousness as the song plays; the opening harmony could use some serious tightening playing-wise, but the overall tone is good, very full, though a bit muffled sounding; since I assume all you'd be able to do is eq the current tracks (rather that re-recording/re-amping), I'd recommend a cut in the low mids (cuz they're really making the whole mix a bit muddy) and a bit of a boost at around 4k to give 'em a bit more cut. Also, I feel they're a bit loud. I like the sound of the toms, but the kick has a bit of an annoying click; it sounds like it was eq'ed like CRAZY to get a click, so it's not a very full attack. Just sample-replacing (or choosing a different sample if you already did) would be my advice. I like the snare, though, nice job! Cool solos, the music is a little old-school for my tastes, but I dig it overall! So are you guys still together?
Thanks! I hadn't done any recording for quite a while before this, so there were some pretty good lessons learned while doing it. I actually hired the drums done (he also did most of the final mix). It's all the original drum tracks, no samples, and was pretty happy with the way they came out sound-wise (they leave me flat performance-wise). I can see where you're coming from with the tightness and the kick sound, as well as the guitar sounds. That's the last time that I put a hard-and-fast time frame on tracking. I didn't crack the whip hard enough on any of the tracking, and was in too much of a hurry to get things done.

That band is officially ended. We changed drummers several months after recording this, which made a HUGE difference. I then decided to change direction somewhat, so now it's the same guys with a different drummer playing somewhat heavier stuff. I'm not singing like I have my balls in a vice anymore either. After a while, that gets just plain painful.