my old deathmetal-ish song with new vocal xD

Hey Dudes!
This track is my very old recording with low-qu equipments, a guy from Germany made the vocal track on it! Tell me your opinion, sorry for the bad instrumental quality. (roland microcube (LOL) ezdrummer dfh, midi bass)
mental claustrophobia

OFF: this is the new track I ll work on soon, with pod xt :)
sounds a bit better than the previous

thanks, Fuge!

great sound man
what are you using for your guitar beside podxt ?
thanks :)
well, i have a guitar (ltd viper 100fm) and the pod, thats all, the others are just softwares. such as cubase, dfhs, hardcore bass... the guitars are still raw, any effect on them, only panned :)

and your tuning is ?
no eq either ?