My PANTERA tribute - Tone Test


Aug 16, 2012
Rio Grande, RS, Brazil
I've just remastered and uploaded my tribute to PANTERA.
This is one of my favorites solos ever made.


THIS LOVE (Guitar'n'Drums Cover)

Thank you and please let me hear what you think.


di0h's sets on SoundCloud
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Thank you guys!

Mashreef, unfortunately I dont have any :/, I just master the track 10.000 times until I'm satisfied (maybe tomorrow I won't, who knows?).
Recording the song is the easiest part for me. I've done it in minutes.
The good news is that I'm learning something from that, because I'm getting faster at mixing it. :Spin:

BTW, Logic is fantastic. This is my second track mixed with it (The first one was LoG's Faded Line)
My other tracks are from Garageband.

Hugo, muito obrigado meu amigo, e estás certo, não há como chegar aos pés do Mr. Darrell. Nada fácil de timbrar também... porém o AXE-FX ajuda. Valeu a tentativa!

Como sou guitarrista, a parte mais complicada para mim é fazer a bateria :/
Eu queria gravar a White Knuckles do Alter Bridge, mas não sei nem por onde começar a bateria...


drums sound really nice.
guitars are very mono, is this intended?
overall this needs some serious vocals man!!!
Dude I sound a lot like Phil. Send me the track.
I sing for "The Fucking Pantera Cover Band"
I'm glad to hear that!

Aoyoc, PM sent with the track!

Soultrash, the guitars are double tracked and with two stereo spread plugins.

The lack of bass makes a huge difference on its depth.

Please let me know if you need something else.

Maybe you should just pan the guitar tracks 100% left and right and dont use any stereo spread plugins?.. Because they do sound mono. The playing is very good though.
I've already had this issue on another track..First, I double tracked it. Later, I panned 50%. Then 100%. I started using the plugin and some people said that it sounded mono in all situations, others said that I've fixed it (even doing nothing on the track :D). I did realize that the solution is inexistent. :) There will be always someone unsatisfied saying that it sounds mono or stereo, or too high/low. I've concluded that the lack of bass/vocals is the problem (making the guitar sound "in-your-face). It sounds like something that in fact it is not.

That is my experience.

not to be a dick but......your guitars still sound mono bro, go to an audiologist PLEASE! Theres something very wrong with your ears....or your ego :(
Thanks for the tip, I'm always open to constructive criticism. :)

I am here to listen and also to learn.

About the track, I don't know what else I can do. I've already bounced it all the ways. Mono, stereo, joint stereo, double tracked, triple tracked, panned and not panned. With 3 different stereo spread plugins (Flux Stereo Tool, Waves Stereo maker, and Apple Spread stereo) Everything at minimum, medium and maximum settings.
I've used the L9 stereo surround multimeter goniometer to analyze the guitars and it seems to be very open... I've set it to 100% auto gain. :(
I've attached a pic of the spectrum stereo analyzer.
If someone knows what else I can do, please let me know. :confused:

All the best
