My PC is suddenly extremely noisy.


Oct 20, 2006
Oregon Coast
Came back from a short little tour and suddenly my PC sounds like it's gonna fucking croak. I opened up the case and blew all the dust out with one of those spray cans but it's still sounding retard. Can't tell if it's the CPU fan or a case fan but according to speccy all temperatures are normal. The damn thing is 5 years old, though, so I guess something is due to go out on it any minute now...

Sorry for useless thread.

EDIT: Poked around a bit and discovered that it's the CPU fan.
Did it sound like ball bearings being rattled about in a.. "herbal" grinder?
I had to buy a new case fan recently cos of a similar noise problem, turns out the bearings in the fan were fucked or something like that.
It's weird, it suddenly went quiet for a while yesterday, but now it's noisy again. Doesn't really sound like bearings, just kind of a weird rattle. I have asus probe running now and the fan speed is at 2220 rpm. I don't know if that's normal but I have it set to warn me if it drops substantially.

I'll replace it as soon as I can scrounge up a spare 30 bucks.

My cmos battery might be dying too, because my computer can't seem to remember the date. I'm not sure what to look at on asus probe for battery voltage. Vcore says 1.41v, and there are 3 other voltage windows that say 3.33v, 5.00v, and 11.90v, respectively.
Vcore is processor VCC voltage. Its the power supplied to the VIDs and then driven to the PLL's.

The other voltages are the standard power rails off your powersupply. All ATX supplies drive 3V, 5V and 12V.
Thanks for the info! So I can be relatively certain that it is my battery dying that is causing my date problems then? Oddly, the CPU fan has been quiet as a mouse today.