My Pearl Reference drums recorded, natural sound...

I should be able to fill your requests on monday, we are doing a guitar session, and we have both my friend's Mesa Dual Recto and my 5150 (with new tubes).
I'll record two tracks of 57, and two tracks of Royer :)
It seems that for the moment I couldn't find a really satisfying position for the Royer in front of a guitar cab : to stick it real close and straight to the cone gives an amazing crunchy sound, especially in the high mids and highs, but in the low mids, it's a bit muddy and when I put it in the mix it darkens the whole guitar sound in a bad way. This time I'm going to try to have the mic very close, but at the same place I'd usually put a 57. We'll have some time and time is the key to get a great sound !

As for the drums, I'm afraid I won't be able to do some new tests until the next drum session. I think we could have got a wider stereo, moving the mics and making them farther from the snare. For this recording, the two Oktavas were approximately 1 meter each from the snare, and maybe 40 cm from the cymbals. Not very wide, but we got a good phase alignement of the snare into them, and huge "pop". I will try to get a wider OH field next time for sure, but as I said, a mono room mic doesn't help here.
I will post all the invididual tracks so you can hear what we got in each mic.

Monday is guitars, and then bass (A-Designs REDDI, Great River, Ampeg, Sansamp BDDI, MXR Bass DI ... for an agressive distorded sound !) later in the next week.

Great, thanks man! Looking forward to it immensely!

and by the way, what about those Beyer Opus 87 mics? are they worth getting or should I just save up for another mic on toms? they are very handy I must admit that, I'm very curious to hear how they sound on their own and what you can do with EQ on them, and ofcourse how much bleed is in there!


can you share the .wav files of it? especially interested in the toms;
is it worth buying those beyer opus mics? or do you guys rather prefer the 57/421/audix mics?

thanks in advance!
sly, how about those drum tracks? ;) will the opus 87 be replaced by something else or is it worth buying for my studio?
Hey Noarin, sorry for the late answer :

The Opus 87 are really great mics for the price they cost, it's really worth it IMO !
I use to put 421 and Beta 98 on toms in the studio, the Opus really seem to sound in the same vein of the Beta 98 (maybe not as accurate in the extreme frequencies, but I was very impressed by them considering the price). I never tried the Audix so I can't tell. The Opus are really cheap and do the job VERY well : great round and deep sound.
I can upload the tom files but I don't have them here.
no problem man :) glad to hear from you! I think I'll pick a few of those Opus mics up!


another raw drum sound here :

Same room as previously, and same drumkit :

My Pearl Reference kit : 10", 12", 14" toms, 22"x18" kick. Clear Emperors on top of the toms, Aquarian Superkick 2 on the kick's batter side.
We used the drummer's Starclassic Maple 14"x5,5" snare drum, with an Ambassador coated on top, great sound ! Great low mids and warmth.
Cymbals were a bunch of Zildjian K, Paiste 400 :hypno:, Ufip and Sabian HHX.

- OH were Oktava MK12 into Great River 500 mic pres.
- hats were SM7 into an RME pre.
- snare drum was 57 into my A-Designs EM-RED pre on top, 57 into an RME pre for the bottom side.
- toms were all Beyer Opus 87 into RME pres.
- kick drum was Audix D6 inside the bass drum (lots of click and low end, very metal :lol:).
- Room mic was a Royer R121 into a Purple Audio Biz pre, smashed by a 1176 compressor set to 20:1.

Apogee Rosetta converters were used for the most "important" mics, the rest was RME FF 800 (cool sounding).

That's me playing but the levels were done for the band's drummer we were recording, so maybe levels are not perfect (everything fader set to 0 db).
- OH were Oktava MK12 into Great River 500 mic pres.
- hats were SM7 into an RME pre.
- snare drum was 57 into my A-Designs EM-RED pre on top, 57 into an RME pre for the bottom side.
- toms were all Beyer Opus 87 into RME pres.
- kick drum was Audix D6 inside the bass drum (lots of click and low end, very metal :lol:).
- Room mic was a Royer R121 into a Purple Audio Biz pre, smashed by a 1176 compressor set to 20:1.

Apogee Rosetta converters were used for the most "important" mics, the rest was RME FF 800 (cool sounding).

That's me playing but the levels were done for the band's drummer we were recording, so maybe levels are not perfect (everything fader set to 0 db).

Sly, first off I think you are getter some really fantastic sounds with all your gear! You've also peaked my interest with the Purple Audio Biz Pre. I've got to do my share of research on them. I've always used the mic pre's built into my board but I'm really thinking I need to move beyond that.

Question for you: For the kick, are you using a kick pad and if so what kind? And which side of the beater are you using because I noticed some of the pics earlier the felt side was facing the skin.

Man, Sly...those raw drums sound fantastic!! Mixed, I can't imagine how they would sound.

I wish you lived closer, could cut some fantastic raw drum sounds for stoner rock, etc. Major props to you!
