I should be able to fill your requests on monday, we are doing a guitar session, and we have both my friend's Mesa Dual Recto and my 5150 (with new tubes).
I'll record two tracks of 57, and two tracks of Royer

It seems that for the moment I couldn't find a really satisfying position for the Royer in front of a guitar cab : to stick it real close and straight to the cone gives an amazing crunchy sound, especially in the high mids and highs, but in the low mids, it's a bit muddy and when I put it in the mix it darkens the whole guitar sound in a bad way. This time I'm going to try to have the mic very close, but at the same place I'd usually put a 57. We'll have some time and time is the key to get a great sound !
As for the drums, I'm afraid I won't be able to do some new tests until the next drum session. I think we could have got a wider stereo, moving the mics and making them farther from the snare. For this recording, the two Oktavas were approximately 1 meter each from the snare, and maybe 40 cm from the cymbals. Not very wide, but we got a good phase alignement of the snare into them, and huge "pop". I will try to get a wider OH field next time for sure, but as I said, a mono room mic doesn't help here.
I will post all the invididual tracks so you can hear what we got in each mic.
Monday is guitars, and then bass (A-Designs REDDI, Great River, Ampeg, Sansamp BDDI, MXR Bass DI ... for an agressive distorded sound !) later in the next week.