My Podxt is sick...


Aug 23, 2008
Lafayette, LA
Hey guys, just the other day my PODxt's USB port died. It feels like the cable is loose when its plugged into the jack, so I took the back off to have a gander. Its hard to see much of anything but I suspect that the USB plug needs to be replaced. So I seek advice:

Is this something I can do myself? I'm half decent at soldering and have all the supplies necessary. Should I take it to someone else? The nearest Line6 repair center is over 80 miles away and runs bank hours (and is not open at all on weekends - so its pretty much out of the question, besides the fact that they charge $65(!!!!) just to diagnose the problem). Is there perhaps another reputable place to take it to get looked at? I don't think any of the music stores around here (which for the most part suck) would be able to do anything with it. If it is something I can do myself, what else would I need besides obviously solder, a soldering iron, and a replacement USB plug? Radio shack should have those I assume.

Thanks for all your help.