my progress...


Feb 21, 2002
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Hi all! A while ago I posted here about my own discovery of Anthrax when they opened for Priest back in February. I said that I'd keep everyone posted on my progress, but I've been rather bad about doing that! I've gotten a bit sidetracked - Rush came out with a new album which I listened to for 3 weeks straight and I wound up seeing them 17 times on their tour. :) I saw Dream Theater quite a few times as well, and I've discovered a few "new" bands that I really like, especially "the greatest band noone's ever heard of" - Threshold. They're amazing. Everyone should check them out! :)

But I have gotten a few more Anthrax cds - Spreading the Disease and Persistance of Time, to add to what I had the last time I posted, which was Among the Living, Stomp 442, and Sound of White Noise. I'm really impressed - all of the albums are very good. I still don' t have the elusive Volume 8 that everyone has said is so good, but one of these days I'm sure I'll find it. In the meantime, I've decided that Persistance of Time and Among the Living are my favorite 2 Anthrax albums. Great stuff. I'm looking forward to the new album finally coming out. And to seeing them live again, which is what got me started in the first place. I love a band that puts on a good show and appears to actually be happy to be on stage, and they put on an incredible show and looked ecstatic to be there.

I also got a couple of Armored Saint discs that someone here recommended. I don't remember which ones, and I only listened to them about twice each. It wasn't that I disliked them, but at that time I was getting way too much stuff that I just liked better and was on music overload. It's even worse now, but eventually I'll catch up and get back to them.
Hey Kyra!
I remember you! Glad you posted. Keep on searchin' for Vol. 8.
It RULES!! If you get the Japanese version, you get a bonus track, "Giving The Horns".
"Giving The Horns" is one of my current favorites!:headbang:

Were you able to listen to "Refuse to be Denied" on 9/11/02?
Originally posted by dutchy
you can find vol 8 at japanese version.

if you are interested in something "new", try the Travoltas!!
They are a Dutch band , influenced by the Ramones and The Beach Boys, they will put a "big gay smile"on ya face.
Visit them at

Well thanks! Not my cup of tea, but thanks.
Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude
Hey Kyra!
I remember you! Glad you posted. Keep on searchin' for Vol. 8.
It RULES!! If you get the Japanese version, you get a bonus track, "Giving The Horns".
"Giving The Horns" is one of my current favorites!:headbang:

Were you able to listen to "Refuse to be Denied" on 9/11/02?

No actually I didn't know anything was going on. Of course it would have helped had I looked, I'm sure.

If the japanese version of Vol 8 is priced similarly to other japanese versions, I definitely won't be getting it until sometime after the holidays. :) There is just too much stuff that I want. I also want that ridiculously priced Eddie's Archive...I just wish you could get the discs and not the casket, scrolls, etc.
Originally posted by Kyra
I also want that ridiculously priced Eddie's Archive...I just wish you could get the discs and not the casket, scrolls, etc.

Hole E. Shit.
I didn't even know about Eddie's Archive. That's fucking cool. I checked it out at .
If I didn't already buy every Iron Maiden album pre-Blaze twice already, I'd think about picking that up.
Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude
Hole E. Shit.
I didn't even know about Eddie's Archive. That's fucking cool. I checked it out at .
If I didn't already buy every Iron Maiden album pre-Blaze twice already, I'd think about picking that up.

Yeah I kind of lucked out with Maiden. I had their stuff on tape for quite some time, and then I finally started looking for it on cd and couldn't find it anywhere. Turns out most of the albums were out of print, but then they released those new album replica cds where you could send in for the sound house tapes, so I bought them all. :)

BTW, while I agree with most people that Blaze wasn't a good fit for Maiden, his 2 solo albums rock. Well actually they aren't solo albums, they call the band Blaze. I was skeptical, but they are really awesome.