My project.


Not quite done yet...
May 1, 2003
Sverige för fan
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Ok, so like half a year ago I told you a hade done a little "project". I was fooling around with Photoshop and my scanner and made some pics for fun. I sent one to the guys at and they liked it so I accidently entered their fan-art contest. Sorry for being such a lazy fuck and not post them here earlier.

They asked me if I wanted to makes some more HamzthraX-pics for them. I did some new ones in color. I´m not sure if they´re going to use them but I thought I show them to you guys as a sneak preview or in canse they´ll never be used.

Hope the link works:

The Angry Hamster
jdelpi said:
Brat will be happy to see Bush is wearing no pants!

Lol... you´ll never guess what Charlie has behind the drum-kit...

Thanx for the great reviews guys! :wave:

remington69 said:
Dude, those kick ass!

Thanyverymuch! I had the cute-but-still-evil look in mind from the begining, pepole say I have a lot of weird facial expressions so I was somewhat inspired by me... hehe... I looked at a lot of pics to get each hammy at least somewhat resembling the guys. I like the Charlie-hamster, that´s my fav. I like his bandana in the b/w pic... think it turned out "cool and groovy" as a teacher I had used to say.