brooklyn pics


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
these are my pics my friend took, he was sorta far away but had a nice camera so they came out pretty good
i was right in the pit so got alot of nice ones so ill post those as soon as i get the camera developed
until then these should hold you over (by the way i got warrel singing wwith the crumbled up fruit of the loomis pic in his hand! :lol:)
yea we got a video of us talking with warrel and i also took pics of me with jeff and warrel
coming as soon as i get those cameras developed :grin:
ohh, nice. I always get all :dopey: when a pic of Van shows up somewhere, maybe cuz it's such a rare thing... :hypno:

BlackwaterNymph said:
Cool, Warrel wore the Candlemass shirt again...thanks for the pics!
yeah, been wondering how many pieces he has... we have one, and it's almost like a gown to me. yes, I'm mushroom sized. :D