better brooklyn pics/warrel with crumbled up FOTL

NicodemiX said:
better idea... lets all chip in and get them a hooker

LoL - better yet - put them all in a pitch black room and tell them that there is a hooker in there, when there really isn't... muahahahaha :lol:
Dead_Lioness said:
i like the one with Warrel :)
he looks *happy* in that one.

(any alcohol was involved there? :D )

happy? of course he looks happy! how else is a man supposed to look when he has an adorable young boy on his arm.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

btw - i just saw the third LOTR movie - the fact that ian mcellan (gandalf) is gay makes a couple of scenes in that movie a little weird... :lol: :D
Dead_Lioness said:
uh............. who said Gandalf is gay ?

im going to watch this movie thi week, so HUSH!


btw, yeah Warrel looks happy holding James, good point Steve.
who wouldnt?

lol - the actor who plays gandalf is actually gay, when i found that out, it took me a while to get over it, but he does such a great job it's easy.