My recording of Bed of Razors


New Metal Member
Sep 13, 2002
Portland, OR
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So I woke up today bored out of my mind (school doesn't start for another three weeks), and I decided I wanted to record a Children Of Bodom song...usually when I play with CoB, I fool around with Lake Bodom, Children Of Decadence, etc (i play the guitar btw), but today I decided i'd try Bed of Razors even though I had never really played it, thankfully, it's prolly their easiest song, anyway enough blabbering, here is the link...

Me Playing Bed Of Razors

I recorded every guitar part, including the solo (...and the keyboard solo hehe), I left off a few little touches here and there (like in the intro cuz I don't have a whammy bar on my main guitar and didnt feel like breaking out the other guitar). I also know that I make a handful of mistakes during the solos, mainly the keyboard one, well since its harder than the guitar one, and i just started learning em today!!! haha, anyway. I learned each part, recorded it, and mixed it today, and i was happy enough with the result that I thought i'd finally get around to getting an account here (i browse all the time), and see what you guys think.

So please, any feedback and questions are welcome :)

(oh and i forgot to add, any sloppiness in the last few riffs was because of laziness and cuz that was just about on my 6th straight hour of playing and I wanted to be done hehe)
FUCKIN' GREAT JOB !!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds awesome !
Shit, I should spend more time on practicing guitar than studying !
By the way, how do you record your stuff ? Micro ? Edit it with any software ?
Thanks man

for recording, I have a line 6 POD, (can get tons of variety in tones, i was especially happy that i found a tone that was at least decent for the keyboard solo hehe). I also have a soundblaster audigy (allows 48.000 khz recording).

The Audigy came with Cubasis VST, which can multitrack like 32 simultaneous tracks, so I just laid down the intro acoustic part, then hit the record button and recorded the distortion while listening to the first track simultaneously, makes life easy =D
great job man!!

could you please descripe the recording process a bit more? which software did you use, who did you connect to your pc, and on and on and on....

thx, grtz chriss
Hey everyone, thanks again!

For recording, I'm using a soundblaster Audigy Platinum sound card (cost $200 in the states when I got it and it's worth every penny). Audigy Homepage. The only other gear I use besides my guitar is a Line 6 POD (Line6 POD ). The Audigy Platinum comes with a a face plate that goes on the front of the computer (check out the link if you don't know what I mean), and on the face plate is a 1/4" microphone jack, so I can plug a 1/4" cable (the kind you plug into your guitar), straight into the computer for direct recording, so that's why I get good tone (not to mention that the POD kicks ass for recording, its what its designed for anyway).

As for learning the songs and stuff, I got guitar pro files for em (they have every track, including keyboards and drums, etc). The Audigy comes with a mixing/recording program called Cubasis VST (it's a dummed down version of the professional recording software Cubase). This program kicks ass, it allows you to mix like up to 32 different audio tracks simultaneously (as well as like 256 midi or something). All I have to do to record something is hit the record button and lay down the first track. Then, since the Audigy kicks ass, I just have to select a second track, hit the record button again, and I can record harmonies/melodies/whatever simultaneously while listening to whatever i've already recorded. It works much the same as how a 4-track or 8-track recorded would, except it's 32 tracks =D.

As for the drums in Flesh... I just took the midi (midi's sound really good with the Audigy), and I recorded what I heard as an audio file and mixed it in when my song. Thanks again for the response =D, anymore questions, feel free, or if you live in Oregon or are planning on going to Oregon State University in the next year or two, msg me!! I NEED A BAND!!! hehe
hey corey!

thx for the very helpful answer!! a friend of mine also uses a pod and the cubase program to record!! it's good to know that others use it too so i'll give it a try soon!
about the band: i've got the same problem like you... i'd like to play in a metal band too but unfortunetaly i don't know "metal guys" that can play instruments in my area... :(
- i play guitar btw -
i'd love to join up with you but i live in austria so that might be a problem.... :cry:
hope you'll find someone that play with as i hope for myself....
btw: what is you equipment, how long did you play so far and how old are you?

grtz, chriss
I've got the POD, and then I have a Fender HotRod Deluxe Tubeamp (has a great clean tone, so its perfect to hook the POD up to), i've got three guitars, a washburn acoustic/electric with a cutaway neck. A washburn S7, 7 stringer, i love it, it retails for like $1700, but my teacher sold it to me for $850. I've also got a no name electric (not too shabby for a noname, it was like $450, to give you an indication of the quality), but it plays well, its also the lightest guitar i've ever picked up and has 24 frets (for when i need it). I've been playing for 6 years, but only practicing religiously for about 4½. I've been getting lessons from a complete shred nut for 5 years and still am currently, and i'm also getting lessons from a guy at my college, and he is mostly teaching me jazz and blues stuff (lots of 13, 9, 11 chords, that kinda crap hehe). What else did you ask? Oh yeah, I'm 19 yrs old.