My shot with impulses....


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI

Its called Run Away and should be on top and the other song is also impulses with no bass or anything though...

I had to give this a try and just wondering what you guys think. I know the drums sound fake i didn't give them 110% was more concerned with guitar. I just pitchifted a guitar for bass and tried to eq it a bit.

This is also my 2nd time ever trying to do vocals and i burned my self out pretty quick screaming so there is not much vocals but let me know if I need never to pick up a Mic againo_O

Oh yea and i used revalver mkII on the guitar tracks with guitar hacks impulses.....
That sounds pretty G.D. real to me. Any chance of posting a screenshot of the revalver settings and some EQ?
Thanks man....

Yea i need to get to my studio and get screen shots I'm actually real sick and am going to take it easy but i didn't forget:puke: