My sick song. (pertains to thread in production forum)

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
So these are the vocals I sang sick. :puke:

Anyhow, happy with the lows. Not so much the highs, like I said I felt I had really shitty pitch control on them.

Oh and this has the BBE Bmax for the bass tone.

This is my buddies song, I re did the arrangement as the original was kind of shitty. :lol:

Not the final mix or anything, just late and I pretty much never post shit so I thought I would throw something up.

Threads I'm referencing:
the drums sounds realy great and real - specialy in the hithat fill
what are the drums?

imo the bass sould be more dominant , kick should have more low end and vocals sould have some kind of delay .

good job man :)