Well The Dope, there is some question as to how applicable standard grammar is in this conversational medium. Some theorists propose that such things are determined by usage. Thus, if enough people speak that way, it is in fact a valid dialect. In fact, texts like Alt Dis: Alternative Discourses and the Academy go so far as to suggest that LOL, BTW, IMO etc. should be considered valid in an academic context.
This is not exactly the same as a medium like a text on rhetorical criticism. It is more conversational. Thus, one could find materials to substantiate the claim that we define our own rules of use. Of course, this would be problematic as conversation on this forum is different from that on others and would lead to something of an exclusionary practice. This suggests that applying rules of standard grammar would in fact be wholly justifiable, and likely beneficial to all of UM. Otherwise, our talk may get entirely too specialized.