My Son


Insert witty saying here.
May 10, 2003
Madison, WI
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Thursday, June 5th my son was born. We had a difficult time trying to come up with a name when we found out it was going to be a boy. Everything I suggested, my wife rejected. Eventually, she decided she wanted to name him Ian. I thought about that for a moment, and agreed, saying I got to pick the middle name then. She groaned and asked what I had in mind. I hadn't thought about it yet, but I was standing next to my CDs, so I looked at those and kiddingly said, "I don't know, maybe Mustaine." She quickly vetoed that. I then said, "Hey, I could have picked Araya." She thought about it for a second and decided she liked it. Then she wanted to know where it came from. I told her it was the last name of the singer for Slayer. She paused for a moment, looked at me, and said, "I still like it." Then I told her who Scott Ian was. So Ian Araya Peterson, named after people in two of my favorite bands, was born on June 5th, which also happens to be the birthday of Nicko McBrain, drummer for Iron Maiden, another one of my favorite bands.

If anyone is interested in seeing a picture of him, click on the link below and enter 4214PB as the code in the green box.


P.S. We watched Headbangers Ball together on Saturday (I watched, he slept in my arms) and were happy to see Anthrax played, and again on Metal Mania after the Ball was over.