My Song!!


next in line...
Oct 15, 2001
Trondheim, Norway
Finally here it is!! :)
Recorded this song in a studio some time ago... and now i've finally ripped it and uploaded it for you plesure! :)

Had actually planed to have the drumming VERY different... more progressive and stuff, but before I went in the studio i had never got the chance to practise in anything... and in the stodio, when we were to record the drumming i did not get alot of time... so i just did it as straight as posible... kinda boring but still :)
it was actually my fault that i did not get alot of time... since i came like 2 hours late :\ it was not a good ide to party the day before...
and well.. the lyrics kinda suck! haha... wrote them in 10 min in the studio, so did not really put so much work into them :)

but anyways, enough excuses here it is!
Hellspawn - Daughter Of The Sea

and yeah, i should probably say that I'm playing everything... exept the guitar... I aranged everything on bass and got someone els to play the guitar... and well, I've only played bass for about a year... so its not that complicated stuff :)
haha definitly cool man, nice riffs, has a very 80s sound to it hehe. The vocals of course need improvement, but if improved theyll fuckin work great, they already work good to an extent. Cheers :headbang:
Hellspawn, I would say all in all it needs more practising, to play tighter and better. But you will make your way, I can hear it already out. The song has a cool doomy touch and I really like it. Same with your vox! I guess it's your vox as you said you did all exept the guitar...
thanx all, exept you Light :bah: hehe

@Final_vision, the first riffs are actually very Black Sabbath inspired, not the melodie line though... and the last two riffs, i see more as some power metal thingie :) though they does not saound wery power metalish with the vox and the noisy guitar :)

@Blackspirit, yeah... i did the vox to... :) good you liked them :) hehe, your allmost the only one then... hehe :)
and I know that my vox is not that good... but i really like to sing! but most of the time it comes out really bad! haha. specially clean vix, and on my next song all have some sort of clean vox! haha! cant wait to hear what it sound like :)

@Morgana, actually i had a sort of doom feeling to it myself...
and Ill maybe record a new version of it, that will be more doomy... more changes and some of the parts much slower...
Ill trye to do it once I get my 'home-studio' up and running :)
Originally posted by HellSpawn
@Blackspirit, yeah... i did the vox to... :) good you liked them :) hehe, your allmost the only one then... hehe :)
and I know that my vox is not that good... but i really like to sing! but most of the time it comes out really bad! haha. specially clean vix, and on my next song all have some sort of clean vox! haha! cant wait to hear what it sound like :)

Man! You really should sing more! I've had the song
on repeat for more than an hour! hehe... Yay! I took
a break from it after a while, but after a couple of
minutes back on it came! hehe...

I wonder how your clean vox are >:eek:P hehe...
well my clean clean vox sound sucky! if you understand what i mean wict claen clean? but the type of clean vox i somehow master is som sort of fusion between dark vox and clan vox.... dont remember anything other then Devided Multitude to compare it with(as he sings once in a while), but i guess you have not heard them... so we are just as far :D
dont seem like anyone else had that problem?

Morgana and Blackspirit, yeah i will sing more! :) a band im taking the bass in now soon actually asked if i wanted to sing to :) Windows Media Player can't open the file, but I listened to it with another Player....and I like the atmosphere of the song...somehow reminds me of Bathory.. :) ...
Good guitar work! I liked the song. Especially the part with the up-tempo. Nicely done! Surely does create an atmosphere.