my strange faces mix

Really well constructed song.

Mix sounds solid. My main criticisms would be regarding glue and transient control. Maybe work at getting it to sound as all being one source. I know this can be hard ITB, especially with drums.

Beyond that a little more ambiance would be good, just to create a little more front to back contrast, make the whole thing feel a little more surreal and deep.
thanks man. I really appreciate that. i did little processing on guitars and organ.. if any, i cant recall. i just applied some delay in there. maybe i can dub over the delay a little by mixing in another instance of the track getting a more mono source in certain parts by automating... drums were ok in bleed, mainly hats and kick shined through. you feel less transient sound and more ambience? via eq or room, or both? thanks for that feedback, ill work more on producing it rather that mixing it.
I much prefer the real mix.. you had some of the most amazing drum room tracks ever and you didn't use them?!

lol.. no. i just found it hard to bring them up. theres not a lot of ambience in anything else so for me they stuck out, there are quite there though, i just used heavy compression so you just hear more of the drums than the room. im going to give it another go tomo or the day after.
Sounds nice. I'd love to have a mix of this. Where did you get the files? One suggestion, would be to use automation to build the song up throughout it's sections more and give some momentum to it.
I don't think that this song really needs to be at -7.4 dB RMS...
The drums sound very good in your 2nd mix. The type of reverb on the vocals (2nd mix again) is not my taste, though.
Your mix sounds very good. Maybe you a bit too "modern" for this song, but it rocks!
I'll post mine tomorrow ;-).
I don't think that this song really needs to be at -7.4 dB RMS...
The drums sound very good in your 2nd mix. The type of reverb on the vocals (2nd mix again) is not my taste, though.
Your mix sounds very good. Maybe you a bit too "modern" for this song, but it rocks!
I'll post mine tomorrow ;-).

well its a modern sound imo. i thought of radiohead and muse when i heard this. Its -7.4 db RMS the MAX RMS found? yeah then maybe as a peak thats a little high. i dont look at meters typically and that shows i guess. i was aiming for loudness, but more importantly i was aiming for how it sounded. where i set it was where it sounded best to my ears.

the room verb on the vox isn't really my taste either but it really tied it into the mix. If you notice, theres ambiance in all tracks this time around - every track, including BASS?! haha
I don't think that this song really needs to be at -7.4 dB RMS...
The drums sound very good in your 2nd mix. The type of reverb on the vocals (2nd mix again) is not my taste, though.
Your mix sounds very good. Maybe you a bit too "modern" for this song, but it rocks!
I'll post mine tomorrow ;-).

well its a modern sound imo. i thought of radiohead and muse when i heard this. Its -7.4 db RMS the MAX RMS deteced? yeah then maybe as a peak thats a little high. i dont look at meters typically and that shows i guess. i was aiming a little for loudness, but more importantly i was aiming for how it sounded. where i set it was where it sounded best to my ears.

the room verb on the vox isn't really my taste either but it really tied it into the mix, which is very ambient yet fierce. If you notice, theres ambiance in all tracks this time around - every track, including BASS?! haha
This song was uploaded to the MiXiT 3 in the back then, Mix It Like a Record forum over at the womb. Hosted by Charles Dye and Mixerman, Mixerman(Eric Sarafin) recorded and mixed and produced the original.

From the Womb

The story goes like this:

Ryan starts telling me about this fucked up encounter he had with some relative of an ex-girlfriend at a family function. It was at the house of an avid hunter, who invited Ryan and the other men into his den, which was lined with the heads of his hunting trophies. Mostly deer. He started to show Ryan his various guns, and then proceeded to proudly tell him a story for each of his prizes. Ryan, who was not particularly comfortable with the discussion, got caught inadvertently looking at the biggest and most majestic buck on the wall. This prompted a most disturbing story. Hunter explains how this particular buck wouldn't die from one round to the lung. So he tried, in vain, to break the animal's neck on a tree, which apparently came with a lesson: "You can't break a fucking buck's neck on a tree." Who knew?

Then hunter lamented over having to sit in the cold for over an hour waiting for the son of a bitch to finally die. Apparently, and this was divulged unprompted, hunter didn't want to shoot the buck again because it could potentially ruin his trophy.

I'm not against hunting for population control. But I am against assholes like this guy, who will allow an animal to suffer needlessly. That's just uncalled for.

After Ryan told me the story, I had a Eureka moment. 622 should be this story, written from the perspective of the deer. I started singing (erroneously to the Rhodes arpeggio melody) "Why won't you shoot me again?" "You can't break my neck on a tree." The mere absurdity of those lines set to music had us in tears, and was worth many good laughs for the remainder of the week. I realize the story is kind of disgusting, and this might not seem funny in the compact setting of this post. But at the time, it was quite absurd, despite the seriously fucked up nature of the story.

Ryan is the Singer!

So when I mixed it back then I tryed to mixit from the "deers view point" so when the Mono drum room comes on with the predelay to give it a "dragging" effect, in the second verse its somewhat panned to the right to the give the effect of the deer laying on the one side its heart going slower and slower... anyway this is my mix from back then.

Arent you Proud
why do you duplicate the vocal track? i see you used a bit differents settings in those two compressors.
and thanks for that info.
i duplicated it to save myself from having to automate by making a copy that takes 5 seconds. its sometimes necessary to automate vocals or edit - for evenness, so you have a realistic dynamic. so the second track has the more dynamic and louder singing, which is why i used two different compressors. the louder track has more overall GR, taming peaks, leaving some trasient which is later destroyed on the master bus, which destroys all transient. i suppose clipping before that will improve the overall sound vs clipping the entire mix, which i would do anyways. The first vocal is just evening out the performance. i tried to catch each compressor at the max gr i had going on -
at least as much as the meters read​