My studio now needs.. cables, cables, cables...


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
Ok dudes & dudettes...
Since of yesterday I am the proud owner of a really nice studio that I am renting for a ridiculous low amount of money! (photos at the bottom of the post).
I'm very blessed with that, only in order to actually get roling I do need to get the cables fixed before starting to work.
Since the old owner just seriously cut off the old multi-cables and there's only 1cm sticking out the wall, I need to get new a new multi cable.

I'm in for 16 channels, maybe expanding to 24. The distance it needs to cover is around 6/8 meters.

I need to order from Europe, so keep that in mind.

Also I need to find a way to have my cabinets in the live rooms, and then tops in the control room. This means a power cable has to run from the live room to the control room, or is there a way around it?

Just looking for your feedback here.

I have about 175-225 euro's to spend on this, so I hope that's enough to get me settled.


Here are the photos (I'm starting cleaning tonight):


To the right, control room + the big me:

Live room:

Live room standing in the drum booth:
Regarding cabinets and heads in different rooms:

At the last studio I worked at I had setup a pretty elaborate patching system for all of the amps we had and cabinets. I had built a rack for all the heads and that was in the control room, meanwhile the cabinets stayed in another room and were kept mic'ed up at all times. For this, we had consulted about the kind of speaker cable we would need to make sure that there was no signal loss/degradation over the length we needed, which was probably 40+ feet since it went into the wall, up the wall into the ceiling, down the wall for the guitar room and out of that wall and into the cabinets. We had 7 cabinets and 10 heads, there was a wall plate in both the control room and the guitar room that was dedicated to the amp/cab patch bay in the desk. The patch bay was one we had made by RedCo, along with the patch cables and speaker cables. With this setup we were able to route any head in the control room to any cabinet, and more than one at a time if we wanted to, even though we never did. The patch bay was similar to the unit that Radial makes for using more than one cab with one head. It was just cheaper to go with the patch bay :)

Also, I had every amp's input on the patch bay as well. We could plug a guitar directly into the interface (HiZ) and then send it back out to our ReAmp and from there it went to the patch bay. This way we could patch the guitar into any amp, or multiple amps at the same time. It was pretty nuts, extremely elaborate and terribly convenient. But we definitely consulted with RedCo the entire way and they ended up making the entire system (wall plates, patch bay and all the cables) once we had decided on everything we wanted to be capable of.

Anyway, that's all I can really help with, is really cool, I know they ship internationally, but you said you needed to order from (within) Europe, so it doesn't really help :/

Thanks, I have no send an email to RedCo for an offer + shipping price.
Curious what they will pass on to me. I pressume they will exceed the 250 euro by far. Which is no problem, if it's immediately hi-quality stuff.

Maybe other guys with advice?