My Sweet Shadow Cover/Schehf collab


Sep 3, 2008
Well it's been awhile but i'm back with another cover. If any of you have wandered through looking at In Flames covers on youtube then you've probably seen Schehf....his shit is awesome and I wanted to try some vocals one of his covers. I've just started a new job and haven't had the time i wanted to put something together....but I tried to check it out. All music recording by on vocals. Enjoy! :headbang:

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Yeah it was nice, but it felt in someway that the chorus part was a bit slow or something, don't know how to explain it :) But it is a cover, and the point of covers is to make it your own, but I dunno :p I still think it was nice, but the singing in the chorus was a bit to slow, atleast compared to the original.
Thanks guys. Yeah after going back through I realized there was something off. At the time of doing it I noticed something was different but couldn't spot it. But a number of people have mentioned the chorus timing....whoops. I could go back through and fix it up...and perhaps I will....just gotta find the time. Thanks again though