My take on the Portland show (with pics)


Aug 30, 2001
WhenI heard about this show, I figured what the hell.. headlining set from my favorite band only 3 hours away on a Sunday, late work on Monday... let's go for it. 4 of my friends were down to go as well.

We got a couple hotel rooms bear the venue and went down early Sunday and hung out and drank in our rooms until about 8, when we decided to go to the venue and eat. Sabala's is a different sort of club. It's really cool, really vibey and comfortable. The staff seemed nice enough (most of them). It reminds me a lot of a club in Seattle called The Ballard Firehouse, at least structure wise. Anyways, there seriously weren't more than 50 people in the place, and it was a real treat to watch the band so close up. I was stoned, drunk, and fucking loving every single minute of it! The alcohol definitely enhacned our excitement, which made the whole trip even more great. When/if they play here in Seattle again soon, it'll be much different. Lots of promotion, packed house, and my radio show will present it (which sometimes isn't much fun because I have to "represent"). This Portland show, I actually just got to go to the show as a fan and enjoy it as a fan, which is something I don't get to do very often these days.

Anyways, the set was awesome, the guys were dead-on (minus Warrel's vocal voice fatigue, but he still sounded great) and seeing This Godless Endeavor live made the entire trip worth it!

Pardon the shittiness of the pictures. I've pretty much given up on photography now, and I was wasted, just pushing the button.






It was probably one the best shows I've ever seen.
Fuck yea! Why are ya givin' up the photography shit? you're awesome at it! You completely stomp me.
AnvilSnake said:
Fuck yea! Why are ya givin' up the photography shit? you're awesome at it!

No motivation/inspiration, shitty camera, trying to get close when there's no photo pit sucks, etc.
I really cannot understand how a band like Nevermore draws a crowd like THAT. I kinda feel bad for the band! That's just wrong... Then again here in Australia we get less shows, so it's more of an event when one happens I suppose.
any picture are cool, i never really care what theyre of, its always entertaining to look and someones pictures... at least I think so. Glad the show was so great!
Devy_Metal said:
is that seriously how many people were there? what the fuck is wrong with people. a nevermore headlining show. cant there be at least some promotion for the band?

There was no promotion whatsoever in the Portland area. There is only one metal radio station in Portland and I doubt that they have ever heard of Nevermore (they certainly don't play it). There was nothing in the weekly Arts & Entertainment section of the newspaper. There were no tickets on sale through Ticketmaster or TicketsWest so people wouldn't stumble across it that way. I had never heard of Sabala's until last week so I don't know how many other people know about it (it was a pay-at-the-door show). Sabala's isn't in a very highly trafficked area so not many people would notice it just passing by.

Had there been more notice, I'm sure it would have been a decent-sized crowd. When they were here at Gigantour, they got a very good response from the 3000+? crowd. I just count myself lucky that I happened to check out Nevermore's website a week ago.
haha GREAT Pics !! It was so freaking kick ass ..I have my Gigantour pics but for this tour I sadly droped my cheap cam running across the street, what was it..18 below zero wind at 40 mph holy crap thats cold..! Im happy that you had a good time and got pics the guys are too cool for hanging out with their fans &talking like were all old buddies , Now thats how metal shows should be!.........and yeah your ass was alright to look at '
4577865 said:


*picks up keyboard and checks under it*
*looks nervously over shoulder*
*stares covertly at a suspicious looking ceiling tile for a bit*
*quietly slips open desk drawer, pulls out aluminum foil deflector beanie and places on head*
*continues working, keeping a sharp eye out for any "funny business"*