My thoughts on MOI..


Brilliant Bastards!!
Feb 20, 2002
Harrow, London
It's not really a review so i thought i'd start a brand new thread, just for me :D

So after listening to MOI for the first time i really didn't think i'd be saying this so soon....

But damn guys... nice job!

After listening to it first time i was a bit disappointed because none of the tracks jumped out at me... none of them seemed catchy and none of them seemed to have that trademark PQ sound to them...

But the next morning i found myself singing the chorus of Human Machine in my head... and i was like hmm... didn't know it was that catchy...

And as it turns out pretty much all the songs on the album are deceptively catchy... they don't seem it when you listen to them first but they secretely bury themselves into your head and come out again when you least expect it!

So bravo chaps!

I didn't think that the FWK singer would be a good pairing with Alessio but as it turns out his vocals are awesome and don't particularly sound out of place.... i don't know if they necessarily fit but it's cool anyway! Is there any chance of a this song being played live do you think?

I think the title track's chorus is a bit too cheesy and airy-fairy in the way it's sung for my liking but that's pretty much the only downside to the album i've noticed so far.

It's pretty different to the old PQ but i think the albums have always been slowly but surely moving away from the original PQ sound.

I have to say that it seems that Alessio's guitar skills are pretty good... how long has he been learning for? When he got announced as the new guitarist i wondered if he'd be a bit of a noob at it and be playing really simple stuff but from what i can tell he must be a fair player, it'll be cool to see him play live sometime!

And Steve, I remember one of the podcasts around the start of the album writing talking about The Tragedy Suite... wasn't it meant to be some epic story and maybe even the beginning of a much bigger story that would be continued in later songs? Obviously it got cut from the album before the record label even heard it so it must have been your (or the band's) choice to cut it, can you share the reason? Will it emerge on the next album maybe?
Thanks dude! Glad you's amazing how the real fans notice the changes and progressions but some reviews say it is exactly the same as previous!

Yeah, it was a collective decision to drop "The Tragedy Suite".....all 16 minutes of it as it turned out. I guess it was probably the right decision as it would have been 10 mins longer than the next longest song on MOI. It may emerge again in the future, but possibly not with PQ.
Ooo interesting!

I have to say that a 16 minute PQ song would be interesting to hear... normally the songs are a pretty standard length so seeing what extra length to a song would result in might be quite cool. But then maybe it's not the PQ style to have such a long song, so another project might suit it better... we shall see!
Beyond the blue horizon~
Neverworld is where I long to be~

God I fucking love that song
Maybe you could do what Dream Theater did and release it on an EP with a bunch of Live songs :)
And then follow it up on the next full album.
Did the same thing happen with the other 6 songs you wrote for the album?

i think it was probably the right choice not to include it this time but should see a release in one form or another.
I think proggy long songs that hit the 7-20 minute boundary almost always fizzle out to ambient or instrumental bits in the middle which is fair enough because the band shouldn't be expected to keep up the pace but it's an element of the song that always feels like a bit of a let down and then it just becomes background music.

I think that's fair to say? Obviously if that's your bag then indulge! But for me I like it lively and interesting!