My Ticket Home Production


Music Producing Ginger
Jan 25, 2011
I looked around to make sure there hasn't been a thread on this, but all I wanna say is My Ticket Home is a pretty sweet band, just a lot of similarities with Attack Attack! I know a lot of kids compare bands with Attack Attack!, but the screaming and somewhat of the guitar playing really reminds of them.

Anywho, I think Caleb Shomo took some serious notes while with Joey, because the production honestly made me double-take to see if it was actually Joey. Caleb did a pretty good job. I just hope he'll find some things to do that will carve a sound he has, and not something that Joey perfected.

I don't know, just an opinion. I think it's cool for each producer to have their own sound, in which a lot do, but Caleb's work sounds all too familiar with Joey's. But hey, if it works for him, so be it. Not bashing the dude, he did awesome. Any thoughts on the production?

Sidenote: The vocalist sounds pretty much like Caleb did on the self-titled Attack Attack! album. I keep thinking it's the track where Caleb featured haha
Sounds to me like a typical Sturgis-typed band, maybe the only thing is the overall more scooped mix, yeah indeed it is similar to Joey's productions, working with him really influenced him in his production style, it sounds really, really similar.
If you listen to the first version of surroundings (which Shomo did) then listen to the EP you notice a massive difference in quality. Maybe he learnt a lot from Sturgis, but I think he had lots of input in the Attack Attack! album though. And also I'd imagine the whole chunky and tight sound is from producing dance music...
If you listen to the first version of surroundings (which Shomo did) then listen to the EP you notice a massive difference in quality. Maybe he learnt a lot from Sturgis, but I think he had lots of input in the Attack Attack! album though. And also I'd imagine the whole chunky and tight sound is from producing dance music...

Yeah, Shomo deff had a lot of input on the album with Sturgis.Caleb's really good, and obviously he'll have similarities with Joey since he learned from him. I just think, for Shomo's sake, he should branch out, do things a little different. I guess I just say this because I have a sound that no other producer has, weather it's bad or good, but it's still mine. Ya know? But, of course, it still doesn't mean Caleb isn't good. He surely is. And there are subtle differences between him and Joey. I'll bet Caleb will find a sound of his own soon, after all, he's fairly new at producing.
joeymusicguy said:
yeah, club learned lots from me. he was always asking questions.

Any hard feelings there, if you don't mind me asking??
With AA in general that is?
AA operates very much like a business. they are out to produce the best musical product they can come up with. it makes sense to take the next logical step to a higher up producer (feldmann). there are no hard feelings in that regard. albeit feldmann is one of my idols, so it feels a little strange. but in the end, i'm not really trying to sit in this room and make platinum records. i'm just striving to give the artist what they want. when i no longer can do that for them, its time for them to move on.
joeymusicguy said:
AA operates very much like a business. they are out to produce the best musical product they can come up with. it makes sense to take the next logical step to a higher up producer (feldmann). there are no hard feelings in that regard. albeit feldmann is one of my idols, so it feels a little strange. but in the end, i'm not really trying to sit in this room and make platinum records. i'm just striving to give the artist what they want. when i no longer can do that for them, its time for them to move on.

Very well put bud I totally see what you're saying.
yeah, club learned lots from me. he was always asking questions.

Hahaha I could relate to that. I'd probably do the same with you if I had the chance. Probably mainly asking bass tracking questions.

I already bug the big producers who live around me.