My VADER cover!!

Feb 17, 2006
Check out my VADER cover.

Guitars: Mesa Triple head through Marshall 1960 cab.
Mics: 2 SM57 on axis, and off axis
Bass Mesa M-Pulse 600 without a cab (used IK Ampeg SVX plug)
Vox hrough Neumann (don't remember the exact model, the tube one)
Drums: snare and cyms live, kicks from benediction, toms from "Johnkit" posted here some time before.

So what do you guys think?
Cmon! I wanna more fucking feedback from you, guys! Ugh!
The recto settings I used are not a secret at all:
2-nd channel, modern mode.
Everything on 12 oclock, escept the bass on 9 and high on 1.5-2
that's all. I've also used a GT6 with just a Tubescreamer emulation, cause I don't have this thing yet.
Pretty stellar! Not exactly as good as Vader but with a little tweaking, You'll nail it! You sound very much alike Peter! :O

Thanx! Personaly, I'm not 100% satisfied with the mix. I did it during one night only.... could be better. Anyway, thanx for feedback! I think i'll focus on my vocals from now (this was the first time I tried to sing myself :))
Keep the fires of Hell burning!
Damn dude!!! I am very impressed with the overall recording and sound in general!!! Man, I wish my shit would sound 1/2 that good. I love Vader and you did them justice!!!!!

To those, who liked the recording, I have my own studio and you are hellcome to book a session there, it is situated in Ukraine though, heh :) Accomodations included.
John kit was the sampled drumkit posted somewhere in the "share the sample" thread, I don't have the direct link any more.