My wife Andrea is pregnant

Snowy Owl

OSA Co-founder
Sep 12, 2005
A tree in Middletown, PA
Hey gang,

I just wanted to share with you all that my lovely wife is pregnant with our first child.

It was a nightmare yesterday because of some things I do not feel comfortable discussing here, but I am hoping and praying that our child and my wife will make it through the ordeal safely. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Snowy, that is great news! Congratulations!

I've known both you and Andrea for a long time, you both are great people and I'm sure you'll make fine parents. It is nice to hear about decent people having children for a change, since it seems far too many assh*les are out there procreating. We need to balance it out with some more cool people!

Not to mention it will be nice to have some more little metalheads running around the world.
So, Matt, if it is a girl, I do not think the name "Tarja" is in the picture, huh?:lol:

Congratulations to the two of you. You will make fine parents.:kickass: :rock:

Ray C.
Congrats Snowy. I haven't known you as long or as well as C, but i know more than enough to take a guess at what some of your concerns are about parenthood. I imagine becoming a parent is a scary thing for anyone! But i think you'll both do fine. I think the key to remember is that not everything has to be 'by the book' perfect. You are allowed to make mistakes and be human, just be yourselves and things will come out right.

It's like my mom often says (paraphrasing): People buy the most expensive stuff and go all out for their first kid, and then on their second kid they realize all of that wasn't necessary. They learn the reality of parenthood and learn to take it easy. The moral being that all the nervousness and ultra concerns and preparations turn out to not really be necessary. You have a kid, life goes on. Just maybe with less sleep ;]
Thanks everyone:

Ray: Tarja Bankes just would not sound right...we are still thinking of names, actually.

Thanks Iced Dog! Good to see you again!

Tramz: Thanks bro! May see you all in Philly if I am lucky.

C: HIM is a no-no in my house....To/Die/For, For My Pain and Poisonblack are OK though! Same with rap music! No kid of mine will be speaking about "bling" or "Fashizzle mah nizzle" without spending some time in the corner.
C: HIM is a no-no in my house....To/Die/For, For My Pain and Poisonblack are OK though! Same with rap music! No kid of mine will be speaking about "bling" or "Fashizzle mah nizzle" without spending some time in the corner.

Well, like I can get rebellious in their teen years, so you may want to be more open-minded about the music so there's less chance that they totally go against you and having musical tastes you can't stand. At least then if you're not forbidding the rap, they won't find any need to gravitate to it. Most of the time if kids think their parents are OK with it, they won't touch it with a 10-foot pole!

So I guess aunt C. won't be invited to the house, the HIM fan that I am?
awwwww :') HOORAYYYYYYYY!!!

I know it's far in advance, but remember to hug the wee one and say "I love you" allllll the time. Those of us who didn't get that missed it terribly, so give both in spades!
As always, congratulations sir! I was very pleased to hear that call the other night when you gave me the good news! Hopefully we can meet soon so I can congratulate the happy family in person!
Tel: Thank you! I will surely remember to give our little one all the love in the world. You all will have to come and see our child sometime after it is born.

Trog: Give me a call soon and we'll have ya around again! We miss ya!

Enigma: Kiitos!, my Suomi friend!
Best wishes and again, congrats! (: I know this is something you guys have been planning and looking forward to so it's great that it's starting to work out.
Grats! and i hope that andreas 9 months of hard work pays off in the end! and dosnt that mean you have to quit smoking? or have you already quit smoking already ?