My wife's first single


May 9, 2006
Hey guys,

My wife will be releasing soon her first single from her solo project (that one she fired me heheeh). I arranged,programmed and played 90% of the instruments and a buddy thats living in Canada mixed it (well, i dont agree with some mix decisions like the overly loud bottom snare mic, but my wife loved it)and I did the mastering. The whole project is meant to be a cross of many rock styles with some electronic stuff. Anyway, here's the first single:


The song is already being played on a local radio station, btw.

Still don't know how the hell you were fired from your wifes band?
well, we had a band for 8 years and she got sick of how I acted - she didn't agree with how I spoke to the other band members , she thinks I am too bossy. We had the chance of being much bigger, but the lack of commitment from the others killed it. Well, she started her solo project and I tried by myself to be a lot more low profile inside the band but the rest of the band kept coming after me and after a relationship discussion she decided she'd have more fun by playing without me :) I think she's partially right, I've done some bad stuff on the past but now I am much more calm. Besides it, I've not really played guitar for the last 5 years or so, and I am VERY rusty. This with the fact that I've been battling depression for the past few months didn't help at all my excitement of being in a band, rehearsing, etcetera. The funny thing is, I am still doing the arrangements, programming and we're still fighting ehehhe
well, we had a band for 8 years and she got sick of how I acted - she didn't agree with how I spoke to the other band members , she thinks I am too bossy. We had the chance of being much bigger, but the lack of commitment from the others killed it. Well, she started her solo project and I tried by myself to be a lot more low profile inside the band but the rest of the band kept coming after me and after a relationship discussion she decided she'd have more fun by playing without me :) I think she's partially right, I've done some bad stuff on the past but now I am much more calm. Besides it, I've not really played guitar for the last 5 years or so, and I am VERY rusty. This with the fact that I've been battling depression for the past few months didn't help at all my excitement of being in a band, rehearsing, etcetera. The funny thing is, I am still doing the arrangements, programming and we're still fighting ehehhe

That's not really getting fired though dude. Sounds better than it did the way you worded it before.