My year in brief

J. Golden

Heaven and Hell Records
Oct 12, 2009
I am not typically the kind of person to post things like this but what the hell it is a new year.
2012 for the most part has been a pretty fair year, well I guess better than that. Let's review...

First the bad shit:

05. Computer died little over a month ago and lost a lot of stuff
04. The bullshit Mark Edwards caused over the Overlorde name issue
03. coming back from Germany
02. The world NOT ending
01. Dave Ellenburg (guitarist of Dogbane) passing away, it was far to soon

On a positive side:

10. The 2012 Witchcraft release
09. saw Pretty Maids live
08. meet Steve Grimmet
07. Resurrect two bands
06. Still going with this damn label
05. Saw Blacksmith three times
04. Moved to Asheville
03. Had a beer in Ireland and visited Phil Lynott's statue
02. Went to Germany
01. Got engaged (10 years in)

Looking forward to a whole new year of stress, lack of sleep and headaches as I bust my ass to get out new releases, make money, and pay off some stuff. And hopefully get out some good releases. There is also a lot of shows planned and possibly a couple of trips to Germany. Seiingh Angel Witch, Warlord, and Demon will make 2013.