myrath Myrath MYRATH!

Fantastic set. Unfortunately this was another situation for me like Voyager a few years back where unfortunate circumstances made me miss a good chunk of their set. What I saw was fantastic. I love that they are able to do so many different styles and it works.
The tiniest bit bummed that they did not play "Forever and a day" only because that has been my daily anthem for the last year.
And that there were no merch except for a girlie tee that I actually tried on because I was so desperate. I understand that was fully beyond (the stars) and their control. No problem trying to find it on their site.

The lead singer's super sexy hair made it worth the trip alone. After watching the "Merciliess Times" video last year, he (along with Mr. Block) was my inspiration for growing it out long this year. He's my Hair-ro.

A BIG Shukrun for coming in guys, and for putting on such an ammaaaazzzing show!
I fell in love with this band!!!!!! THEY OWNED FRIDAY NIGHT! Wow, absolutely amazing. When Zaher (singer) said that "He didn't want to stop/leave the stage", I felt the very same way! I could have listened to both them and Armored Saint for another hour! I sure hope these guys come back to the States in some capacity, my gawd! And AmandaX - yes, his hair was beautiful. I would kill for that!!!! Why do men always get the damn good hair?????
The hardest part about Myrath's appearance is going to be explaining to my wife that the long, dark hairs she will find in my car actually belong to Zaher.
I wasn't expecting much as their egyptian-oriental style doesn't really work for me, but was completely blown away. Agree with all previous statements about stealing the thunder from Friday night's lineup. They really brought it...
After getting off a transatlantic flight, I can barely put a coherent sentence together, much less complete a task that requires some level of skill. But these guys freaking NAILED it…one of my favorite sets ever from my 8 years of ProgPowers! The top-notch musicianship and high energy were all the more amazing, considering the adversity the band had to go through to get to ATL!

The hardest part about Myrath's appearance is going to be explaining to my wife that the long, dark hairs she will find in my car actually belong to Zaher.

Bring her a signed photo. She'll *totally* understand. :cool:
I really felt sorry for those guys when I saw them in the airport again on Sunday.

I saw them too! Almost followed them into the international travel terminal (Bad BABS!). Those poor guys prolly will have flashbacks and dreams of the airport (ha ha).
We ran into Kevin at DaVinci's Thursday night, and he told us about all of the "fun" that they were having getting things together.. talked to him again on Friday after their set and Saturday.. I still can't get over what an amazing perfomance it was.

Apparently, the reason they had so little merchandise is because they carried it in their suitcases, which meant they couldn't bring very much at all, so Nightmare handled it for them instead of the regular table in the lobby.
I was extremely happy with the bands performance, and I was happy to see the full audience's response as confirmation I was not just being biased as their label. I only got to see their set and a little bit of a couple other artists this year... but was satisfied completely by Myrath's set alone, it was worth the trip!

Yes sadly, artists even on work visa's have issues bringing in lot's of merch, and peep's from Tunisia get looked at even customs than most....
They were the Serenity of this year IMO. Simply awesome! And yes, I did love his dance..
Ahhh, the dance.... it put the biggest sh*t-eating grin on my face when I saw that. Being able to dance in the corner of the photo pit while seeing them live just absolutely made my year. I can't say how much their music has inspired me both in a choreographing and musical sense. Even though I'd already *LEGALLY* downloaded everything of theirs I could find in the past year, I knew coming in I would have to buy every CD they would have had available so I have physical copies and album art as well. Snagged the last girly shirt too :D I just hope Anis got his luggage back so he had something to wear on the return flight home! lol.
I can't add any additional or different accolades above and beyond what has been showered upon them here already - easily the highlight of Friday and dare I say the entire festival! Sabaton definitely rocked the house on Saturday, but that was expected. I hoped/prayed/wished Myrath would bring it live, and it would be doing their performance a severe disservice to leave it at that. All I can say is: