Mysongbook users

Dying Freedom

Eat shit.
Mar 19, 2005
Have you seen this?

"Providing some tabs - even made by ear - of copyrighted music is illegal. In order to respect the law, downloads have been limited to the [Composition] and [Competition] files. We are going to make our best to find a solution to offer music content without infringing copyrights."
ROFL! I love the RIAA.

Good thing i downloaded the GP5 file for Biblebasher last night! Before this shit kicked in.
what if the fucking copyright person says it is OKAY! fuckin RIAA!

this shit isn't even fucking accurrate 100%. fucking copyright laws need to be changed and soon. if not i'm gonna bootleg so much shit and goto jail and then blow up the world.

oh yeah and for the record it isn't illegal to provide something that isn't accurate. it is like me showing my friend how to play a song or something. it is legal. on the otherhand providing something that IS 100% accurate and contains sheet music is illegal... this is where it becomes sketchy with MSB. they provide gp5 files, which contain music and if the file is accurate (they dont' know noone does except the musician, yeah not even the stupid record labels) then it is infringement. i heard some really off into eternity posts. oh and nevermore and other bands should REALLY stand up for their fans and their own rights. if i were on the label i'd stand up and say this isn't right. it is freedom. it is america and the world. they're just lashing out cause they are losing money since noone wants their shitty products.
and to MSB: what about the bands NOT on RIAA? huh? i'm sure some locals like divinity destroyed had their stuff posted by fans and that was OKAY with them. the rule is permission. not being the author. whose to say they don't have permission. surely not the site.
Jeff-Loomis-fan said:
they want musicians to stop learning on their own...the bastards

One could argue that this encourages musicians to learn on their own, by ear, or to produce original compositions rather than play music created by others.

Learning to play other people's songs is certainly a lot of fun, and it probably has a certain amount of educational value for those learning to play. Neither of these things are likely to be a solid legal foundation for a change in copyright law.

We need to find a way to encourage copyright holders (record labels in this case) to make certain of their properties, such as tabulature, available freely or cheaply. The way things are currently going, we may see the end of bands performing cover songs live for fear of litigation.
the venue pays record labels for live covers, at least they are supposed to.

glad vincent enjoys my humor :)

what i am annoyed about is that the RIAA and crew have to ruin it for the legal guys. aka the fans who ask the band and then they post it. or if the band later okays it. not many bands i know are going to goto every site and say it is okay to post the tab.

if i do something legally why can the labels tell me it is illegal? i don't get that.

i do agree with lord foul, this may encourage people to start learning stuff by ear. i don't use tabs to learn a song, i usually use it cause i am interested in the specifics of the writing process behind the song. sometimes it is hard to tell exactly what is going on in a 200 note per second solo (ie nevermore).
zmetallica said:
what i am annoyed about is that the RIAA and crew have to ruin it for the legal guys. aka the fans who ask the band and then they post it. or if the band later okays it. not many bands i know are going to goto every site and say it is okay to post the tab.

if i do something legally why can the labels tell me it is illegal? i don't get that.

The artist does not necessarily have the authority to grant permission to reprint tabulature or lyrics. Typically the publishing company (or whoever holds the publishing rights to a song) is the entity that can grant a print license for a given work.

I'm certainly no expert on copyright law as it pertains to the music industry, so feel free to jump in if you have better info.
Soon you won't be able to say a bands name without paying the record company.

CHRIST ALL BLOODY MIGHTY. They can sue my ass, I'm happily gonna keep breaking copyright rules.
Lord Foul said:
The artist does not necessarily have the authority to grant permission to reprint tabulature or lyrics. Typically the publishing company (or whoever holds the publishing rights to a song) is the entity that can grant a print license for a given work.

I'm certainly no expert on copyright law as it pertains to the music industry, so feel free to jump in if you have better info.
i was talking more of the indepent acts and ones that don't have any deals of that sort. besides most of those deals are for artists who are on majors.

most of the time i do it cause i dont' see the tabs or music anywhere else. like a nevermore tab book, ain't gonna happen. and honestly if i did see a nevermore tab book at a store, i may buy it, but probably not, instead i'd just look at it and get a feel for the song and go from there, which is really all i (and most people i'm sure) do with these tabs. it is like a chord sheet do it to get the feel of the song then go on your own and add your own flavor to it.