Myspace coding/graphics Services


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007

I'd like to announce you guys that I am looking for potential "customers" to start a bit in this business.

The Deal :

You provide me your logo, artwork, band pics. I take care of the extra Photoshop work to be done, the layout and the coding. For the hosting of the files, we can see what we can do (photobucket works well for ""smaller"" bands, not thousands of visits per week, so small bandwidth)

I haven't seen other sneapsters to offer this product so there could be a market for this kind of work. My rates are pretty low. I am below what the big guys are charging.

My best work is my band layout :
I also made my studio-project page :

I am working on a different layout :

I will soon work on Eric's Dandelium profile.

PM me for any question and rates.


PS : Ok I forsee a lot of PMs in my mailbox from some guys that need just help with their profile. I will help (especially with the regulars dude) as I always did (thats what this forum is about) but I won't do yours fully for free and I cannot spend hours in your code to figure your problems out BUT I can help you to understand. Also I might ask you to help me back in the future for something else ;)

PS 2 : To the smart asses, if you're not interested in this and think my work is just plain shit, please go spit your teenage venom some place else. I am not interested in reading what you have to tell me. Don't waste my time.
I honestly don't want to sound like a bastard, but like all the other MySpace links posted on here recently (all with identical layouts), it doesn't work in FireFox.

The top of the music player gets covered by the image at the top, which means you can access the controls and you can't get to the volume. It also cuts off the top of the image on the left (which most of these pages manage to avoid). Also, you've used "background-color: transparent;", which can also cause issues in FireFox - it can make scrolling incredibly slow and very jerky. Use "none;" instead.

FireFox is just about the most popular browser on Windows platforms now, so it makes sense to take check these things - you're instantly alienating something like 48% of the people on the internet. It's so cumbersome to scroll your band's page that I wouldn't normally bother.

Also, the background image on your band's page is monstrous: 350Kb is ridiculous, especially for an image that's got virtually no tonal range. Putting it into Photoshop I got it down to 100kb with no noticeable loss of quality, and that's with no effort whatsoever - I reckon with a few minutes tweaking I could get it down to 80Kb. That would mean it's instantly 6 times quicker to load, and would help with the scrolling problem in FireFox.

Bizarrely, you're album cover is a tiny 13kb image (when it's arguably the most important image on the page), yet your band photos are around 90Kb each - they could be made a lot smaller, both physically and in terms of disk space, which again would decrease loading times. You could then easily make the cover a larger image (though it doesn't really need to be). The sample of your wallpaper is 110Kb too. I have a reasonably speedy connection, but I have to wait for your page to load because of all the big images - in the real world, you'd have lost my interest before the music player even loads. I reckon there's almost 1Mb of images on that page.

The text on the 'Blog' section is so small I can barely read it - they're headers; they should be larger than the prose (if there's any size difference at all). The white bar you have at the bottom can be made to fit the rest of the page too (the background can be made transparent).

To be honest, even without those issues I wouldn't pay for it - there are plenty of templates out there that would give me an almost identical layout. It's nothing personal against you; I don't see why someone would want to pay anyone to do something that would take them 30 minutes to work out themselves for free. Don't get me wrong - good luck if you can make money out of it - but personally I'd feel bad taking money off of people for it.

BTW: if you want hosting, just upload the files to MySpace itself - if you then go to My Photos -> Edit Photos -> Move/Delete Photos, then select all the layout images, click 'Move' and select "Viewable By: Me Only" at the bottom. Photobucket is almost as bad as MySpace, but at least if MySpace goes down people can't see your page full-stop - whereas when Photobucket goes wrong, your page breaks.

I honestly don't want to sound like a bastard, but like all the other MySpace links posted on here recently (all with identical layouts), it doesn't work in FireFox... blah blah blah

Hey man, I don't want to sound like a bastard, but most likely you're using AdBlock Plus, which causes the exact issue you've described.

And @ Nick - site looks great man.
i'd like to know where you get the stat that 48% of the people on the internet use firefox. I seriouly doubt firefox has eclipsed IE yet. esp when you look at the myspace global audience.

though its not the most accurate of info sources, wikipedia lists IE as a 3:1 lead over Firefox at best and 5:1 in others, depending on the source.

i'm not saying that the site shouldnt be compatible, i'm just saying... firefox users (who choose to be "special" and use firefox instead) are not the primary audience... esp when you look at the users across the world
Hey man, I don't want to sound like a bastard, but most likely you're using AdBlock Plus, which causes the exact issue you've described.

And @ Nick - site looks great man.

You just got told haha

It is an adblock issue. Loading was fine for me. Quit yer moaning.

Page looks fine in my FireFox as well.
BTW: if you want hosting, just upload the files to MySpace itself - if you then go to My Photos -> Edit Photos -> Move/Delete Photos, then select all the layout images, click 'Move' and select "Viewable By: Me Only" at the bottom. Photobucket is almost as bad as MySpace, but at least if MySpace goes down people can't see your page full-stop - whereas when Photobucket goes wrong, your page breaks.
Afaik MySpace resizes your pics two 600px width when uploading. That's kind of a problem for Top-page images.
thanks again nick, for your really nice help about myspace coding recently!
it is really appreciated

i just checked, your pages now, and they both showed fine in my firefox too (i tried pc and mac),

your advices about image sizes are very good, i havent noticed that on nicks profiles especially because my connection is also fast, but practically its a thing that often is overlooked.

i think many people are not really interested in doing a good looking myspace profile by themself, because of lacking the programs, the experience, graphic skills, etc..
instead of sitting in front of a computer for hours and hours and try to achieve a good result, its maybe more economic to pay a a guy a few bucks to do it. and you can use the saved time to make actually music.

Of course, if you have already some graphic skills and html knowledge, its a different story..

i know many musicans that hate computers, but they also want a myspace page with there music up so that the "world" can listen to it, haha, and the only thing they could do is to log on and log off, they could not even sign up to it proberly, haha.
this is no joke, i´m damn serious

but at the other hand, they are really good in what they do, like playing drums, or guitars...

so i think such a service is a good idea, and of course.. its no question that there is a charge for it

btw, here is one of my myspace profiles:

I just want to clarify a couple of things:

1 - I offered you free advice on how to bring your service up to scratch. Maybe you think my tone was harsh, but I didn't intend it to be. I wasn't rude; I didn't knock your graphics; I didn't warn people off. All I did was I tell you how you could improve your work - which is what this forum is all about.

2 - I said I wouldn't pay someone to do something I could easily teach myself to. I'm fairly sure that's one of the major reasons a lot of people on this forum started recording music themselves. I'm also pretty sure that no one on here cares all that much about my opinion, and that lots of people break out in a cold sweat at the thought of editing CSS - so I really don't think it's going to affect you in the slightest.

I'm not going to change my post, no matter how many times you PM me. If you want to run along to Brett and ask him to remove it, knock yourself out. This is a forum - from the Latin for "a public place". People will say things, and you may not like all it. Get over it.

I just want to clarify a couple of things:

1 - I offered you free advice on how to bring your service up to scratch. Maybe you think my tone was harsh, but I didn't intend it to be. I wasn't rude; I didn't knock your graphics; I didn't warn people off. All I did was I tell you how you could improve your work - which is what this forum is all about.

2 - I said I wouldn't pay someone to do something I could easily teach myself to. I'm fairly sure that's one of the major reasons a lot of people on this forum started recording music themselves. I'm also pretty sure that no one on here cares all that much about my opinion, and that lots of people break out in a cold sweat at the thought of editing CSS - so I really don't think it's going to affect you in the slightest.

I'm not going to change my post, no matter how many times you PM me. If you want to run along to Brett and ask him to remove it, knock yourself out. This is a forum - from the Latin for "a public place". People will say things, and you may not like all it. Get over it.


I just want to clarify a couple of things,

the issues you talkin about are only happening in YOUR browser in front of YOUR computer. Everybody else is fine, and I did test all my pages in different browsers and screen resolutions. So that kind of things never happen.

About the background at 350kb... that's not a problem, Gojira one is more than 1mb as many others are over 500 kb. Somebody did say that hosting the pics on myspace is not possible, because it resizes stuff.

And concerning all your other little advices/remarks, keep them for yourself. You dunno what you're talking about.

Sorry for losing my temper guys but I don't accept that such ignorant people shit over the time and energy I am putting into this.
I am working on a different layout for the studio :
I added more buttons (last fm, purevolume) :
so you can basically have any logo that you want on your header or any other place of the page, to link your page to all your other network pages.

I'll be doing the new eric's Dandelium page, as also Ryan's Catharsis Studio page!

Bro, all that bullshit you just said up there was pretty funny to read. Pifos knows what he's doing... I code websites all the time... I know about typography... image hierarchy etc etc. I think you're just pissed that he's actually doing something with his skill and people want in on it. Grow up.:)