Systematic Productions goes live! (my business and myspace layout)

Well I can at least assure you nothing of the sort ever crossed our minds whilst doing the concept! It's a bit of a leap of the imagination for me to get there, haha.

Thanks HDWR.

1,160 views so far, let's keep it going :p. Add away folks, I've got more friends in real life than this page!
Thanks guys.

Drew, Jeremy from Memnoir is one of the coolest guys I've ever worked with. So much passion for what he does, and always open to new ways of approaching things from a production or arrangement point of view. I think that's really reflected in the vibe of the CD we did. It's not the most technically perfect thing but I think it captures that industrial rock sort of vibe which was really cool for me.

There was an issue with the myspace where the blog apparently wouldn't load when you clicked on it. Designer says he's fixed it, so all good now!
Haha yeah it's a fairly common audio symbol. I think there is at least one local band and one studio I can name with a similar idea going on. As previously mentioned, it wasn't the original plan, but it's where the designer started going with it. Originally twas headphones round a gas mask dude, and now it's headphones round a skull/power armor dude. What's funny was that I went to your myspace for the first time shortly after this thing went live and promptly facepalmed (regarding the similarity).

Thanks for taking the time to check it out guys, really appreciated. As always, feel free to add. I only decline if your profile picture sports boobs of a size I find potentially misleading as to the true nature of your account :p
^^^^ That's ridiculous......

That is ridiculous !!!!!!


PS - I had to stay with a bear based avatar - it's a thing with me :)