My first label release is out!

You coming down to the launch ermz?? Should be bearable even for you hehe. Feed her to the sharks was the band that pulled out of our spot! And as a plus eye of the enemy isn't even last on the bill!! Woo I can get some sleep that night before horrid workl. I can't wait :p
Thanks guys. Yeah I'm coming down to the launch, Chris. Sounds like a few of my mates are too. Shame I won't be seeing Christian there then if 'Feed her..' aren't playing, though I can't really complain if you guys took that spot. Venue seems really close too, so all the better.

Greg, that's a fair call on the rhythms. The high mids came out stronger after mastering (guitars were provided as a separate stem). They were more subdued in the mix, and I would have preferred they stayed that way, but I trust what Plec does, so they are as they are. And the hats, well... haha, the overheads were very.... interesting. Mind you I think having the direct hat track in the mix at all was probably a mistake on my part. Live and learn.
I'm glad we're hearing the same things.

Having the direct hat was by no means a mistake, you know the engineer's worst nightmare is the hi-hat. You can only do so much with it :lol:
The track sounds pretty awesome, Ermz. I would definitely say that the high mids are a little overbearing on the guitars compared to the vocal track. The hi hat is also VERY loud compared to the rest of the drums. Otherwise the mix is definitely one of the best you've done.
This is about all I was going to comment other than saying it sounds fantastic. You've really 'come of age' (so to speak) with this one, I feel..

I'm pretty certain I'm going to loudly suggest a couple of bands from back home in Tassie approach you when new albums are on the cards. I think you could do wonders with one of them in particular.
@bogchop: Shhh, get back to stroking that Recto.

@NNotN-ENN: Cheers mate.

I felt the Untruth EP was the turning point for me, in all honesty. It was the moment where a few pivotal things coincided and the planets aligned just enough to make it happen. All these subsequent projects just feel like an extension of that, building upon a foundation and mostly scatter-shotting records in all directions, trying to attain a name in the industry (beyond Melbourne and UM).

Anyway your kind gesture is greatly appreciated. Tassy has some quality acts for sure, and as is the case with many Aussie acts, they just need to channel their creative energies the right way and combine them with the right technical approach to pull off a professional product.
I bought this at the Belakor send off gig last night. Will get around to listening to it in the car this week.
They seemed to have changed the intro to Facade from the EP :( The epic bit is all that was needed :lol:
ermz please dont hate me, haha,
but the guitars are too high middy and "washed out" for my taste.
also i really dont like the snare, but thats just personal preference.
at least it sounds very "real", thats cool.

but apart from that its a really cool mix. it sounds original (havent heard a mix like this in a long time), so props to your great ears! ;-) !
Verb on the drums was LexHall, mixed with a decent amount of SD2.0 room, and a little bit of actual drum room.

@dcb: That's cool, you're more than entitled to have your opinions. The most important thing for me is your acknowledgment that it at least sounds original. I spend long hours tailoring new sounds for each record, trying my best not to re-tread ground wherever it can be avoided. Maybe in the future, if I get more work than I can keep up with and it becomes impossible to be unique with each project, this attitude may change, but for now while i can afford it, it's a very important step, and always in the back of my mind whenever I work with a new artist.

Also cool on the 'naturalness' of the drums. That was a big consideration for this project, especially since the drums are so fast, and there are so many fills. It was amazingly hard to get the 'right' drum sound that would fit, and not sound too fake. The snare especially has an absolute ton of sample and volume automation on it, in an attempt to retain as much feel in those fills and rolls as possible. You know I love the whole Staub thing, huge, fat drums... but that doesn't work on everything, and it most certainly wouldn't have worked here.
Finally got around to listening to this in the car. Very nice indeed.
Interesting to note how much of a metalic quality the 5150 III has when I listen in the car, which is something that my JSX is "looked down upon" around here :p
I must say Ermz, I didn't think this band was quite my cup of tea musically until you posted up that other song. I might just have to grab a copy next time I'm over at JB!