N.a.m.e. - Memoirs From My Sweetheart The Whore


Apr 5, 2003
N.a.m.e. - Memoirs From My Sweetheart The Whore
Gomek.com - 017 - 2006
By Brandon Strader


Take a pinch of The Dilinger Escape Plan and smother it with grinding screamo, and you've got a blueprint for N.a.m.e.. With constant screams, ferocious percussion, and disharmonic guitar riffing, Memoirs From My Sweetheart The Whore is a real beast to behold. N.a.m.e. make fun of an overdone genre with their silly songtitles, like "Killer Whales, Man" and the two or three odd endings and noise they make in said song.

There's the occasional glimpse of jazzy brilliance similar to Ephuel Duath in "My Sweetheart, The Whore", but for the most part, it seems like careless unorganized tomfoolery in music form. The disharmonic chorus on this track is a funny parody of all of those generic, major chord-stuffed choruses you'll hear from most catchy bands. The jazz breakdown half way through the song is extremely well done, and hints at the occasional brilliance exerted by N.a.m.e..

It's another band with an identity crisis, but at least this time they're continuing a style of a band that truly kicks ass. The biggest fault may be the clean vocals, which will make your ears cry.

Official N.a.m.e.Website
Official Gomek.com Website