Carnal Lust – Whore Of Violence


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Carnal Lust – Whore Of Violence
Diamond Productions – DIAM002 – 1st March 2003
By Russell Garwood

Carnal Lust play old-school Swedish-influenced brutal death metal, “Whore Of Violence” being their debut full length. As is the danger with such music, the band can lack their own identity, rather playing a skilled but unoriginal homage to their influences. The guitars of Ludo almost entirely forgo solo work, focusing on bludgeoning the listener into submission, while occasional riffage creates more accessible sections. The drums of Jerome are powerful and well performed, relying less on blasts than is usual for brutal death, helping to make the sound more interesting, and displaying frenetic double bass work. The bass, played by Nico, is audible but unremarkable and his vocals, with backing courtesy of Jerome, are a semi-guttural growl.

Carnal Lust’s music is generally well performed, but uninspiring – the music can feel samey and at times become monotonous. The band play their instruments well, and I would be interested to see a more individual sound. Fans of brutal Swedish and American death are likely to appreciate “Whore Of Violence”, but those outside this select audience should approach with caution.