N for Negative Person

siderea said:
well you post something first in the
t thread
n thread
u thread
k thread

and tadaaa you can see an acrostichon
timing is difficult though, that's why the night/morning remark.

i should put up wrong thinking/bad ideas thread again.
yes i've got little to do today.

I don't get it, you don't see acrostichon like that, you see kunt, eh
ah haha ok, ill do my best. hey can one put their PA speakers out through their window over there like in La Haine?

if so i must go and start a party there, we can block off the street

yes, easily

and sell tickets

MUHAHAHAHA, no way. this is freakstreet really haha, once we did this barbecue - i was still living one street further. part of the long story is that marco putted left over sausages on the cold grill and poured them over with gasoline, then lighting.
but we could get da polize easily to have a riot yeah, get your $chain ready!
bender the offender said:
*cough cough* alright, lets learn some of his negative aspect, repeat after me... heres a part of vocabulary :

A for Arrogant
B for Bad-Tempered
C for Cheeky
D for Disrespectful
E for Envious
F for Frivolous
G for Grey
H for Hypocrite
I for Insensitive
J for Jealous

zupi_clone said:
you looking for blood?

you know, thinking about it, an e-war with you would be so much fun but then again my passive approach to such fights wouldnt be the right match for your hostile attitude. the temptation is too high though, i must admit.

and as for the previous post, i pointed out those characteristics cause i happened to find them funny and a bit irrelevant. yes to the rest...but envious? of what? and a hypocrite??? quite the contrary!
Don Corleone said:
you know, thinking about it, an e-war with you would be so much fun but then again my passive approach to such fights wouldnt be the right match for your hostile attitude. the temptation is too high though, i must admit.

and as for the previous post, i pointed out those characteristics cause i happened to find them funny and a bit irrelevant. yes to the rest...but envious? of what? and a hypocrite??? quite the contrary!

wise decision sir don dir, wise indeed. so you dont find me to be envious or a hypocrite, thats very nice of you to say such things. im quite impressed quite, i must admit
so we all agree on the rest, eh? haha:

A for Arrogant
B for Bad-Tempered
C for Cheeky
D for Disrespectful
F for Frivolous
G for Grey
I for Insensitive

but yeah some of these are viewed as "in" or "cool" attributes in our modern world (especially being arrogant and insensitive)...so i can very much sympathize...

better than being a hypocrite, though. i gotta hand that to you