- Feb 28, 2011
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I agree with Jim. Pod Farm and Amplitube are on an equal level in my head, it's not like one is strictly better. Pod Farm gets you that super clean Sturgis sound, and that's about all you can get it to do and sound good. Amplitube sound more realistic, more metal, and in my opinion it can handle more gain before it starts sounding overdistorted. My band's in the same genre as bands like TDWP or Attack Attack, but we're trying to set ourselves apart with a more "metal" production and sound - harder and faster drum parts, smaller drum sizes, more aggressive guitar tones and mixing, that sort of thing.
And I don't have a preset, because I'm constantly tweaking around with it. But this is about where I would start, then adjust based on pickups, guitar, playing style, genre, etc:
I use the 150W head, in fact I just load up the factory preset "Metal Lead V" and tweak from there. I start with bass and treble at 5, and mids a bit higher (maybe 7), then mess around from there. Keep that "bottom" knob at about 2 or 3. Then I turn the gain off and slowly raise it until it sounds overdistorted and messy. Then turn it down a bit. I usually keep turning it down as the production goes on. This time it landed at 3.
Before the head, there's an overscream adding gain, so only adjust the gain on the head once you have this loaded. I set it almost the same way I would in real life - drive at about 9 o'clock, level at 50% to make it match, start with the tone all the way off and turn it up if you need to.
Then I load up the 4x12 Metal T 1 cab preset. Turn the room mics level all the way off. Put a 57 as mic one, right in the center of the cone, and then slide it over a bit to the right. Then put the Ribbon 121 next to it as mic 2, sitting directly to the right and overlapping a bit. This mic should be right on the right edge of the cone. Set your noise gate and all that and you're good to go.
This is with the new Amplitube 3, by the way