Mighty warrior raise your sword against the seething chaos horde
Sworn to serve but taught to hate the unseen masters of your fate
Mighty balance in the sky determines who's the next one to die
The black sword drinks on the souls that fell
And sucks it with it down to hell

The being called Ungol is dead, its resurrection is doubtful. But heed its teachings oh faithful, for these memoratic disks contain, the wisdom of the ages, and by your iron fists, the horror, of false metal be extinguished.
As you now join the swelling ranks of the Legions of Chaos, together we will drive before us, the cringing herd of False Metal, crush their spineless lackeys, and purge the world of their mutant plague!!!
R.I.P. The Legendary Jerry Fogle
Sworn to serve but taught to hate the unseen masters of your fate
Mighty balance in the sky determines who's the next one to die
The black sword drinks on the souls that fell
And sucks it with it down to hell

The being called Ungol is dead, its resurrection is doubtful. But heed its teachings oh faithful, for these memoratic disks contain, the wisdom of the ages, and by your iron fists, the horror, of false metal be extinguished.
As you now join the swelling ranks of the Legions of Chaos, together we will drive before us, the cringing herd of False Metal, crush their spineless lackeys, and purge the world of their mutant plague!!!
R.I.P. The Legendary Jerry Fogle