Naberus - Drones (my latest mix)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia

Mix is about 95% complete. Will likely do some final tweaks to the low-end and maybe the guitar mids. It's also unmastered at the moment (just one instance of Ozone smashing the mix).

Still thought you guys might like it, and perhaps look forward to the full release of the album 'Reveries' later this month!
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I love how your guitars have that pleasant squishyness to them. Makes them feel so wide. Those drums sound very real, I'm gonna guess the kick is all real since it isn't doing anything crazy performance or sound wise, and that snare is mostly natural but has a bit of attack added with sample, maybe a sample compressed pretty hard with a ton of attack and no sustain or something like that?
P.S If this is all samples I'm gonna be mad you tricked me so well lmao
Regardless, sick mix :D

Are you using VCC Neve setting on these guitars or the bass?
Low end needs tweaking and the guitars need just kidding, the mix sounds awesome like always, Ermz. Sounds perfect as it is. Really digging these drums specially the snare.

Edit: what guitars did they use for rhythm?
Thanks for taking the time to listen. It's a really cool record to be working on. Kind of like a fusion between melodic death and nu-metal - both being genres I really like.

The drums are possibly the most natural I've ever kept for a metal mix. The drumming style demanded it. The kick is the only replaced element, the snare is perhaps 60/40 in favor of natural and everything else is completely natural. The snare sample is adding mostly attack, consistency and bottom end. Lots of analogue parallel compression to bring the body back up too.

I think the VCC Brit Neve model was used on both bass and guitars. Everything else was 4k.

The guitar used for rhythm was the ESP Viper baritone that the singer is playing in the video. It's actually the same instrument used for the recent Orpheus album, albeit with a different bridge pickup.
i LOVEEEEEE IT! Only thing I'd say is a tinyyy low-end tweak and I'd like to hear a very mid/punchy kick blended with what you have more... I think it would help with your low-end issues as well... kick is a LITTLE subby and scooped, just a CUNT hair... have it have more mid-punch is what I'd try...

Either way, GREAT shit.
Cheers for the feedback, CJ. The low-end tweak is definitely the first thing on my mind at the moment. I recall doing a lot of drum/bass only bounces where it sounded sick, so I think the majority of the issues are coming from the rhythm guitar bottom end being a bit too prominent/cloudy. The issue there being if I neuter them too much, the groove-esque nu-metal riffs start to lose their nutsack.

VCC sounds very faithful to the consoles, IMO. At least to what I know of the 4k. My mixes start to get 'that thing' as soon as I start stacking VCC instances. The catch with that being is that I also get the elements of 'that thing' which I don't dig so much either. Too much saturation for modern metal mixing can destroy you, so you're always walking a tight rope using stuff like that. It also took me a long time to find a way to mix low-end while using VCC and still be happy with it. Traditionally my thing was always to carve the bass into a very small area, as clearly and tightly as I could. With VCC this changes, and you have to accept that there will always be a degree of smear and imperfection down there. The catch is in making it 'bend' correctly and pump in the right places so it sounds musical rather than muddy.

On the whole though I think using VCC adds a dimension and livelihood to mixes which they otherwise lack in a complete clean mixing environment. I would love to see them add 9k or AWS models for mixing low-end or cleaner stuff like RnB/Hip Hop.

Guitar amps were 6505+ with Winged Cs for rhythms and 6505 with JJs for leads. Both through Mesa Oversize 4x12.
The only crit I have is that the lead parts in the intro aren't audible enough, and same with the chorus leads.
Cheers for the feedback, CJ. The low-end tweak is definitely the first thing on my mind at the moment. I recall doing a lot of drum/bass only bounces where it sounded sick, so I think the majority of the issues are coming from the rhythm guitar bottom end being a bit too prominent/cloudy. The issue there being if I neuter them too much, the groove-esque nu-metal riffs start to lose their nutsack.

VCC sounds very faithful to the consoles, IMO. At least to what I know of the 4k. My mixes start to get 'that thing' as soon as I start stacking VCC instances. The catch with that being is that I also get the elements of 'that thing' which I don't dig so much either. Too much saturation for modern metal mixing can destroy you, so you're always walking a tight rope using stuff like that. It also took me a long time to find a way to mix low-end while using VCC and still be happy with it. Traditionally my thing was always to carve the bass into a very small area, as clearly and tightly as I could. With VCC this changes, and you have to accept that there will always be a degree of smear and imperfection down there. The catch is in making it 'bend' correctly and pump in the right places so it sounds musical rather than muddy.

On the whole though I think using VCC adds a dimension and livelihood to mixes which they otherwise lack in a complete clean mixing environment. I would love to see them add 9k or AWS models for mixing low-end or cleaner stuff like RnB/Hip Hop.

Guitar amps were 6505+ with Winged Cs for rhythms and 6505 with JJs for leads. Both through Mesa Oversize 4x12.

Very nicley put all the ups and downs of VCC. Have you ditched Nebula and CLC from mixbus in favour of VCC or still digging nebula over there?
@AllanD: Thanks for that. The band specifically asked for the intro leads to be turned down. The chorus lead has been a bit of a battle, for sure. I feel if I manage to carve some mids out of the rhythms, that lead should become more audible. It's definitely pushed very hot on the fader.

@worldwideweapon: I still put CLC on the master bus from time to time, but that's it. I generally like how it softens the highs and bumps the mid-bass. It can be a nice 'quick fix' to some mix issues. Stack any more instances though and you start to get a very mid-heavy mix. In this mix there's no Nebula at all.
This sounds really good, look forward to hearing the final mix/master.

(did you put any faux-mastering on it?)
I prefer the first one (only listening on baby genelecs) it sounds a bit more "slick" and together/tight.

The "Brit N" one sounds better in a way with the slight "outside the speakers" phasey "3d" stuff, but it looses the vocals more.
The first one is way clearer in terms of the arrangement, way easier for me to tell what the guitars are playing etc.

The Brit N one sounds beefier I guess but the guitars are a bit wider and it makes them sound a little washy and hard to understand. I like the clean punch of the kick in the first one more than the second. In the Brit N one the kick seems to get buried and lose a lot of its definition. The first one reminds me a lot of the new soilwork album, which is a good thing to me.

Ok I think the second one probably sounds "cooler" though. Although it has less clarity. Its got more "attitude" If I had to pick a word.

Its tough, both are great.
Thanks guys. I could use your help if you're willing to listen again!

I'm tweaking this mix to get it finalized, and I've got two versions here to pick between: Degrees 25.mp3 Degrees 25 - Brit N.mp3

These aren't necessarily the finals, but I need some consensus opinion on which option sounds 'better' at the moment.

Getting a lot more vibe from the 2nd one.

I remember the last time you posted something from this band, seems they shifted a bit more towards melodeath, and less numetal, which makes it a lot easier for me to enjoy the music :lol:

Mixwise this sounds really good as always, pretty unusual guitars for your stuff though...but that makes me dig them more than usual too! really nice grain in the mids.
Snare is killer, also has been the last time you worked with them.

The only thing I can't get along with well here is the kick.
I think it sounds too clicky/stiffy, and the highs stand out too much compared to the rest of the mix...the kick really has a position pretty far away from the other elements, which feels a bit weird. Just IMO of course
#2 sounds great, HUGE. It isn't as clear/"itb" sounding as the first one, but that's why I like it.