nailed the kse tone

i was about to post some guitars that i recorded a few weeks ago, but i rather keep working than posting my shitty guitars.
great work, any information about mics and placement? or cabs?
8505 and le456 with framus impulses. ts808 as a boost. Im going to record Arm's of Sorrow and see what kind of mix i can get out of that. Ill post DI's when im done.
not quite.. needs more natural saturation of an amp, the high end in the tone should stand out abit more.
but almost
I dont know, i found it on the guitar amp modeling site along time ago came in a package and there was only one framus IR in it. So i figured since Killswitch used framus's a framus ir would probably sound good lol.
The tone is good, but you didnt nailed it.

I would say it is impossible to nail the tone 100% with those DI´s because its not the guitar they used on that record.
Also the di´s are great!!!