name me some decent midi drums loops for metal

Well for grind core and blast beats there is the Toontrack Library Of The Extreme which is pretty awesome for blast beats :D

Groove Monkee midi patterns are pretty good as well, but I'm into Teh Br00talz haha

But it depends on how extreme you want them, but Groove Monkee should do for standard metal, and the Library Of The Extreme should do for any blast beats you want.
groovemonkee is the only thing that comes to my mind but there grooves are not really good IMHO.
we need a forum member with a good e-kit, an empty wallet and a lot of free time. custom MIDI grooves for all!:D

I have no idea how to start, but I'll look into it and see how the current commercial midi packs are done. I could do some for S2.0 at least
We'll see - I might do a few ones for test and see if anyone's really interested in that stuff. What I'd like to know is how they've organized the mapping for S2.0 midi packs, are there kind of starting-point presets in there or stuff? If there are things like splashes or stuff used, that wouldn't play if someone doesn't happen to have a splash loaded in the correct spot or stuff like that...
I have no idea how to start, but I'll look into it and see how the current commercial midi packs are done. I could do some for S2.0 at least

this would be awesome!

you could start jamming around and record everything to a click.
it it's tight enough you could cut it and do some puzzle work to see if
it still sounds good if you bring the recorded grooves into another order.
then you could start doing some intro fills, break stuff etc.
just a few ideas...:)

Jamstix! If you buy it now (version 2) you will get the 3 for free when it becomes avaible. It´s a VSTi that writes MIDI drums on real time according to paramaters you set. The program is butt ugly, but has sooo many cool features, like improvising over a simples kick-snare rhythm you set, or just select a music style and let the virtual drummer do his thing. I can´t recommend enough, amazing for jams and coming up with ideas.
Jamstix! If you buy it now (version 2) you will get the 3 for free when it becomes avaible. It´s a VSTi that writes MIDI drums on real time according to paramaters you set. The program is butt ugly, but has sooo many cool features, like improvising over a simples kick-snare rhythm you set, or just select a music style and let the virtual drummer do his thing. I can´t recommend enough, amazing for jams and coming up with ideas.

what baout breaks and fills!?
can this programm create stuff like that?:)

the versions differ only in the amout of included samples right!?

what baout breaks and fills!?
can this programm create stuff like that?:)

the versions differ only in the amout of included samples right!?


Yes. The other versions also have some extra "virtual drummers" and musical styles, but the cheapest one already has more than enough, and I think the version 3 will abolish these differences, so get the cheap one. Don´t even bother downloading the "factory samples". They suck. I prefeer to just set the program to play the MIDI data and set Kontakt with SSD to read them.

About the fills, it creates them automatically. Begins bars with a crash, normally improvises a fill on the 4th bar, this kind of stuff. The groove it builds is based on human limbs, so everything you hear is actually playable. It´s like a real drummer, but with a mute button (dreams come true). You can adjust everything through sliders if you want, like how much snare or double kick you want it to use on the fills, how often he can improvise, etc. It´s a really really cool program with lots of ways to use it. I recommend you to check all the features on the official site.

I usually like to set it to 'jam' some rock and play along with guitar or bass. If I already have a beat pattern on my mind, I just write a very quick kick-snare pattern on the program and it takes care of putting the cymbals, hats, fills and variations based on that.

It´s much easier, flexible and quick than mess around with a pre-programmed MIDI loops library. Don´t let the ugly as hell GUI fools you, this plugin is instant inspiration with zero effort. For example here´s a 50 bars MIDI that it created just oppening it and saying "jam some rock". And here´s a 12 bar blues using the same method.
We're working on our Bobby Jarzombek MIDI Groove pack... and hope to have it shipping in about 4 weeks or so... We'll have it formatted for BFD, Toontrack & General MIDI.


Superior Drummer:

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we need a forum member with a good e-kit, an empty wallet and a lot of free time. custom MIDI grooves for all!:D

Here I am.
Check out this example:

it's quite simple groove,not metal,but you get the idea.
and i'd rather do metal than that :headbang:

it is much better than any of those "loops" libraries it's gonna be tailored to your song,and we can discuss and change every element if necessary,well,if anyone interested PM me.

didn't think about rates yet,i am gonna make some special rate for forum members. :)