Napalm Death-Smear Campaign


Aug 14, 2006
Boston, MA
Napalm Death-Smear Campaign 74%

This was, as a matter of fact, the first ND album I ever listened to. At first I was pretty impressed by it, but it has little replay value.

First of all, I do not consider this a Grindcore album. I know that is consistent with recent ND releases, but I just thought I ought to say it. The grind vocals are just not there. It is not completely death metal, though, and does have some grind elements to it.

The vocals are not the greatest thing in the world. The high pitched ones are pretty annoying, and the regulars are none too special. I would not judge the quality of this album at all on its vocals; to me it is its weakest point. The guitars are decent, as well as the drums and bass. Nothing really stands out as exceptional. If I had to pick out a strongest point, it would probably be the guitars, which are really not that heavy and overpowering. They would be better if they were.

The songs are pretty generic and sound much the same, but are not necessarily bad. They have some decent breakdowns, but are overall nothing special. I suggest buying this album if you have a little extra money to spend, but don’t make a big deal out of it.