Narrow House (ambient funeral doom) - "A Key to Panngrieb"

Some words from Portuguese "Temple of Doom Metal" (googletranslated bit):
During these 45 minutes of funereal exile, the 'Russian school', let us say, comes in good shape, four themes touched very competent, well-structured, with a good balance between the keys and guitars and a well that throaty voice, sparsely, alternating with a clear tone and lean a little to the tortuous.
The full version can be found here. Thankfully, the English translation makes sense.
Just wanted to let you know that all original members of Narrow House who took part in recording of "A Key to Panngrieb" are going to gather in Czech Republic next month to visit "Godspeed you! Black Emperor" gig. So, if any of you guys are planning to go there for the same reason and would like to receive an album from our loving hands - feel free to tell me about this.
Meanwhile we've got a new review from the Romanian "Pest Webzine":
The keyboards play also a major part in their music, the vocals are as versatile as they can be but still keeping a growling tone most of the time, the drums and bass lines really capitalize their importance and the excellent production allows all this to happen. So all in all Narrow House released a very good debut album, one that will certainly attract the interest of Funeral Doom followers out there.
They post reviews in a very interesting way, so you'll need to scroll a bit to find the full version over here.
And now for something completely different. A while ago I was interviewed by Czech website "Mortemzine" and they've finally published the article. There's an English version of it and it's pretty huge, and covers pretty much everything. So, if you would like to know us better - you are welcome to read it. Here's a bit:

7. What does the word “Panngrieb” means? Does the album has any concept? What can we imagine when we read the title “A Key to Panngrieb”?

“Panngrieb” is nothing and everything at the same time. To start with, this word does not exist (well, until we came up with it, obviously), so save your time and don’t try to find it in the dictionary or ancient mythology. “Panngrieb” can be everything you want it to be, it is an individual experience of each listener and our album is the key to it.
The rest can be found here.
We have another review by the way. This one is from Italian "IYEzine" and curious thing is that nor I, nor the label itself (as far as I know) contacted them to review the album:
"Narrow House are offering a very good record full of gloomy atmosphere as they are elegant, going to place not too far from what has been done by the former countrymen Comatose Vigil, and then showing all their devotion to the Skepticism, authentic tutelary deities of this variant atmospheric funeral"
This was a googletranslated bit, and here's the full version.
So, just to remind you - this weekend all original members of Narrow House are going to gather in Czech Republic to visit "Godspeed You! Black Emperor" gig. So, if any of you guys are planning to go there for the same reason and would like to receive an album or just have a chat - feel free to tell me about this.

Just returned from the Czech Republic - that was a wild ride full of beer, Czech national cuisine and everything else which comes with all these things. The GY!BE gig was great and I got myself a cool Kafka shirt.

Meanwhile there's a fresh review from USA based "Infernal Masquerade Webzine". Here's a quote:
“A Key to Panngrieb” is definitely for fans of Funeral Doom Metal that need a bit more than just punishing riffs repeated over and over. With the atmospheric elements, Narrow House manages to be above the average bands in the genre and should actually be considered as one of promises of the genre.
The full text is here.
Just noticed that the previous review made the overall count of reviews equal to 20 or so. Anyway, the more the better. It would be cool to have 50 of them :lol:. The next one is from Brazilian "Funeral Wedding". They gave us 5 of 5, yay!
"With dire guitars, keyboards, atmospheric, ultra-slow drums, this album starts your trip with Poslednee Pristanishe. In the course of its 14 minutes you can experience numerous sensations, especially with entering cello line. Every feeling of anguish and rejection comes to mind and that feeling of emptiness reigns in our tired body"
That was a rough translated bit from original Portuguese version of the article. The full googletranslated text can be found here.
In other news we've got a review from "Destructive Music" zine from UK:
Russian newcomers Narrow House are still defining their own style, but on the basis of this debut they’re well on their way to doing so. The first thing you notice about A Key To Panngrieb is how lush and professional it sounds – big strings, clear, unmuddied production and perfectly crisp drums give the music a depth and space that you don’t often hear in underground Metal. It sounds MASSIVE, and that sound really supports the feel that Narrow House are going for, which is one of utter melancholy and despair.
The full text.
Finally we've got some English words with no need to googletranslate them. This review is from USA based underground metal label, blog and recording studio "Contaminated Tones":
Narrow House do a great job at building up to great moments in the compositions and the thirteen minute long Steklianniy Bog is, once again, a highlight in this regard where nine minutes after the initial dirge chimes, bellowing and windy scenes are coaxed from layers of keyboards and cello to, at least for me, send shivers down the spine.
This one is actually something interesting to read, so here's the link to the full text.